Chapter 14

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                         Chapter Fourteen

The first thing I see is myself walking around in flames. The flames were surrounding in the room. I was not just anywhere. I was back at that night. The night I was shot. And I just see the walls filled with smoke, and fire everywhere that I was actually terrified. I'm wearing the same clothes I wore that night. And I see the silhouette figure only ten feet away from me.

I begin to scream because there was a part from the ceiling that was like wood that fell down with the fire. I would soon be caved in, I'm sure. And I can't believe that I'm trapped here. And I know that this is a dream. This isn't real. I know this is a stupid nightmare. And I never thought I would be back here in these flames, that are tearing me apart.

    I feel like this has brought to my worst nightmares, and I just see myself being trapped in the flames, as the walls are being torn apart with smoke fuming the place, and I feel so consumed, and I can't breathe. I see the silhouette and all I want is to scream, and beg myself to wake up. But somehow I cannot wake up, but I know that this isn't real. And all I see is myself trapped in these ugly burning flames around me. I begin to scream my head off once I see the silhouette come closer, and it comes from the far corner of the room. I try to find and see if Christopher is anywhere to be found. I scream his name out as many times but he is nowhere to be seen.

   All I see is this darkness filled with fire all around. And I just feel this awful darkness of great fear around me and I feel bewildered. And I cannot move, I am almost paralyzed. I see the silhouette turn away from the corner, and I scream at it to demand it to show itself to me. And so it does. And I see it shows itself as the face I never wanted to see.


     I wanted to run, but when I saw him, something was preventing me with force not to run. But as I tried, I absolutely couldn't. I saw Noah wearing all black, and I watched him walk through the flames, trying his best to get to me. And all I wanted to do was cry. And almost instantly I was able to be distracted by the fire. It was building up faster and faster.

How am I supposed to escape this disaster along with the debris that was focused. The flames were in every corner and section of the apartment's sitting room. I see the bat lying two feet away from me. I think about picking it up, to use it against Noah. But I'm too frightened it would give him enough time to actually get to me. And I'm not sure what I might have happen to me. I cry and try my best to get away for any strength that I have in my body. The flames have rose higher, and I feel my throat closing and j begin to feel lightheaded. And I don't know what I'm to do. The walls are burning and they are coming down. I turn over to look and I see those Polaroids are burning. And I just stare, looking at it. And I actually don't care at this point, because I am trapped with fire.

  I can hear Noah's footsteps getting closer and I am holding my breath. And I am terrified of what he might do. And I see him holding that gun in his hand as he is walking through the place, working away from the flames. And I felt my heart sinking. The room was consuming in the flames so wildly that I knew I was going to die. So I was praying that I would wake up. Instead of hearing a gun go off, I heard a heavy object being dragged. And I see the axe being dragged on the floor by Noah and he scratches his temple with the gun in his other hand. And I see his psychotic side coming out that it is impossible for him to hide.

"All of this... is because of you, Emma. Because of you... I am CRAZY! I am psychopath! Because of you! You are a crazy whore! You crazy bitch! I will find you... sweetheart. And when I do.... I will kill you. I will kill you and your pretty stepbrother too. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Noah yelled out to me like a psychopath, terrifying me from the inside out.

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