Chapter 21

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                    Chapter Twenty-One.

                             EMMA POV:

The venue was probably a lot bigger than I was expecting. It had walls that looked like a cinnamon roll with aesthetic colors. But also neon lights everywhere. A stage of a band to play, and just a beautiful place in general. And I know this place is a beautiful comfortable place for a reception.

    There was tables with light pink table clothes. The chairs were cozied with materials to them. There was the buffet to the salad bar. And I had decided that the catering was done perfectly. But somehow as I had already entered the venue, I had slipped my shoes back on. And I assumed that I looked incredibly beautiful to Christopher, due to him unable to keep his eyes off me since the wedding. And now as I enter in with Christopher there were a bunch of photographers everywhere, and there was music playing and many were already dancing or drinking rich champagne.

   I had seen the big dance floor, and I was feeling quite graceful just as Christopher held my hand and we both continued walking along the way and Christopher pulled me along with him, holding my hand as we reached right to where Ty and Lara Jean were, the only ones dressed in white. And immediately Christopher and Ty leaped in and they hugged each other in the most friendly or like a brotherly love embrace. And I think Christopher has finally seen Ty the happiest he's ever seen him, is on this day. And I absolutely had a mind of haywire because a lot is going on right in front of my eyes.

    I had also greeted with both Ty and Lara Jean, and then I had congratulated them on getting married. And I was adoring the venue. And I knew that in my future getting married that I want a reception just like this. I could tell from Christopher's face, that he knew I was contemplating it. Nothing was stopping me from thinking about it. I saw Mandy with Aaron and it caught my attention immediately. And I was thrown by it. Because I envied how perfect they were. Do they even argue? Christopher and I have managed to try not to argue as much as we did because our therapist has walked us through these tips to do so we don't get angry or upset with each other.

   It's crazy to think because the other day we had a disagreement about politics. Which never happens to us, and I could tell that Christopher is spending a lot of time with my dad because Christopher never was a fan of our Governor because lately, I see how he reacts to the President. Christopher doesn't even believe that women could ever be President. It's not that he's sexist, because he's not. He just doesn't think it's worth the work of a female president to take on. So he doesn't support it. And I remember just raging at him the other day, and I just let my sharp tongue say terrible things to him. And then after ten minutes I realized how stupid we were. And I decided to apologize because it's not worth fighting with him over something like this.

   And so we did apologize and we got over it. And then by then we watched old shows that reminded me of my parents. And I can still recall that argument being dumb, unthinkable and ridiculous. And so does he. But there's always going to be a fight or some sort of disagreement between us. While I look over at Mandy who looks like she wants to do nothing but eat Aaron alive. I envied it, or I was just stuck up because she seems happier than I am because I still come back and forth between being friends with Mandy and being so hateful to her behind her back. Victoria calls me out for it, and reminds me not to be too envious when I am with Christopher and nothing is changing. Which is true. Nothing is changing. There's no separation coming between Christopher and me. No matter what I am not leaving him. Even if someone paid me to do it or held me down with a gun to my head, I still wouldn't do it. Because I love him dearly and no one is gonna tell me otherwise.

   I had tried the sushi that was catered, and Victoria and Mandy knew exactly that I be going for it, because at my dad's wedding it was a request from how much I like sushi. And I immediately knew right from the start that this sushi would be amazing. And while I was trying to get the best sushi, I had seen Izzie and Maisy, and immediately they caught attention to my eye. And I had seen, them both at their six year old youths, right by Christopher, and I could tell that he was obviously in love with them. They were both just so cute and adorable that I was in love with them.

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