The battle

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Katara was fighting Azula.

Except this time, Azula didn't slip. She didn't fall into kataras trap.

Instead azula hit Kataras trap with a large flame, steam hissing from the elements collision. They felt themselves get lost in the haze before they were consumed by it. It was hot. It almost burnt their bodies. But as they started to notice the dissipating of the steam, they felt the fluffy feeling of another substance around them. Katara recognized it as the sky. It reminded her of the days she and Aang changed the cloud patterns to save an island from its bad superstitions.

Azula, less distracted by the elements around her, more focused on the battle found Katara first. She looked down from where they had somehow started to fall. The clouds can't hold their weight and if Katara took the water from them, she will have the upper hand. But not she kills her now...

The sunny was close by. Everyone was outside having a relaxing time or playing around when chopper spotted something off in the distance. "Hey guys I see something!"

Everyone else ran over to that side of the deck, seeing two girls falling high from the sky.

"Skypeia shouldn't be around here right?" Luffy asked.

Nami answered quickly, "No, not by a long shot."

"I'll save you, fair maidens!!!" Sanji yelled, using sky walk to start running to them.

Azula, knowing she needs to be swift, and precise, shot a huge blue lightning bolt at Katara.

It directly hit her.

She cackled. She won! She would finally be crowned-

They hit the water with a loud splash.

Sanji dove and grabbed the injured girl first, then the one that shot fire. He swam up to the surface, both girls in his arms. They were young.

A life saver appeared before him he grabbed hold of it, making sure not to lose either of them in the process. Katara had suffered quite the damadge while azulas world came crashing on her. Where were they? If no one saw the end of the Agni Kai she may never be crowned fire lord. Oh and zuko, her wretched brother is probably still over there. Probably off to steal her throne! Will she ever become fire lord? Did he already have his coronation?? Is she too late??

Franky opened the dock system, allowing easier access to safety. Robin helped carry the girls on board with an extra few hands.

"They're dressed so weirdly." Ussop noticed.

"Maybe there's another Skypia." Luffy shrugged.

Robin seemed to be interested by the idea.

"Move aside! I'm a doctor." Chopper ran over with his medical equipment to treat Katara who was already trying to get up. "Lie down, I won't hurt you."

Katara kept fighting back. Her battle not over yet. She sat up and looked for azula. She was surprised to see how she was trembling, tears running down her eyes with a huge, smile on her face. Katara dared calling out to her "Azula?"

Anger boiled within her. What was all of this for?! Everything she ever worked for became useless with a snap of a finger. Fire boiled within her. She screamed of agony, fire erupting from her mouth, scorching the Adam wood.

Ussop grew frantic, "Hey, hey! It's okay! You don't need to use that fire here! Just take deep breaths. Uh. Cold ones."

Katara waved her hand, moving the water from the dock area to azula, surrounding her in a water bubble so the damadge can be a minimal.

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