Chapter 28: Whatever Happens

Start from the beginning

"Get Johnny and Y/N out. No matter what happens to you, get them out."

"Simon?" Y/N asked.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, outside the windows, parts of the facility were already a wreck, with smoke and fire lighting up the dark sky. Y/N had gotten back onto his feet fully, but still looked a little uneasy. Soap was on edge, looking around to make sure we weren't getting jumped by another squad.

"We aren't that far now just a few more halls."

"You okay?" I asked Y/N.


That was a lie.

"Right, we need to move. We might run into more hostiles, but Chimera is running out of resources." Soap explained that he was jogging back from where he had moved to check around a corner.

"What's the plan?" Y/N asked.

"We move down that hall behind us and get to the command room. Chimera will be there probably protected by his best shooters, if we are careful we can avoid any remaining obstacles. Then we finish the mission." I explained walking past them both and down the hall.

We were racing down another hallway. They all looked identical, minus the lack of bodies the old ones had. We were still having a near-impossible time finding the command room, getting lost in dozens of rooms, and getting shot at constantly. There was a rumble from outside the base that shook the entire building. Through a distant window, we saw the missile lift off, but it immediately turned and crashed into a nearby mountain. The explosion was bright, causing us to cover our eyes; the building shook violently. The AC-130 had also picked the wrong target as a round tore through the floor above, causing the floor above to drop between us. Y/N dove out of the way with a grunt, while Johnny and I got stuck behind the twisted metal and flames.

"Watch your bloody fire!" I yelled into the mic as we slowly got back to our feet.

"Are you two okay?" Y/N yelled racing over sticking his arms through the fallen beams.

"Fine! Are you okay?" Johnny asked grabbing Y/N by the shoulder, he made a face but just nodded.

"Wait there, we are going to backtrack and find a way around." I replied gently holding on his other hand looking back down the hall.


"What?" I replied.

"We are running out of time; Chimera isn't far, and we can't wait."

"No!" Johnny yelled gripping tightly onto the other man.

"Johnny, we don't have time to argue; I am going on alone."

"He is probably heavily protected. You won't make it!" Johnny began to cry.

"It's okay, it's okay." He reached for both of us, but instead of some romantic moment, he tore both knives from our shoulders, yanking his arms back through the metal and falling out of Johnny's grip.

He slowly got up clenching the knives in either hand. I couldn't quite figure out what it was in the moment but something seemed off about him. He staggered a bit when he finally fully stood up.

"Whatever happens...I love you both."

He smiled, turning and jogging down the hall, out of sight, as the smoke began to pour through a broken window.

"Simon." Johnny whispered.

I glanced over and immediately felt a wave of fear wash over me. Johnny's hand was bright red with blood. Y/N's wound had reopened; that's why he looked a bit pale and was slowing down. He was going to bleed out if the wound wasn't closed soon, but he knew that. I wanted to yell at him and drag him back; I wanted him to stay, but he was gone now and most likely going to run right into Chimera. I stood helping Soap up, clenching my rifle.

"Come on, we have to find another way around."

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