Chapter 18: Raid Part II- Hope Cannot Save Us

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3rd Person POV

"Move and you die."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Price it's us!" Y/N yelled, raising his hands.

"Fucking hell! You three look like the enemy with those masks!" Price yelled as König, Gaz, and Ryes walked around the corner.

"Nice to see you too, dad." Y/N glared.

"You all okay?" He asked, looking over Y/N like a concerned parent.

"We're fine; the helicopter was destroyed, so Makarov is trapped." Soap explained putting his hands down.

"Right well, we all need to start pushing towards the command room."

"Any idea of the-"

Y/N sentence was cut short when a bullet cracked through the window next to Ghost. The guards from earlier were everywhere, and the hallway was filling with more. They had clearly been trained well, as their shields held back our own bullets while they slowly pushed down the hall towards us. Price yelled for us to make our way to the center hallway while he held off this group. Alejandro had gone all the way around, swapping sides with Price's team. Los Vaqueros were somewhere on the other side of the building, pushing down the large right-side hallway. Y/N, Soap, and Ghost raced towards the main center walkway, gunning down the last of the ultranationalists who got in their way.

The hallway was wide and long, with rooms and other turns all the way down; at the end were two large double doors that ran right into the command room. Soap was about to go charging down the hall when several side doors crashed open and heavily armed soldiers came running out. The situation couldn't get any worse for the trio as more and more kept coming, holding their positions but not firing. Y/N didn't move but pushed Soap behind him, making sure that if they fired, he would be out of harm's way. From down one of the side hallways, heavy footsteps could be heard as the large rotating barrel of a mini gun came into focus. It was an enemy juggernaut, and he had the group dead in his sights.

"Get down!" Y/N yelled, knocking Soap back as Ghost took cover around the other corner.

The juggernaut let his gun spray, slowly closing the distance as the group of 14 elite troopers slowly pushed up from just behind the massive man. Soap scrambled to get back up, clutching his gun, while Y/N and Ghost struggled to return fire. The juggernaut was only five doors down and closing, with the others not far behind. Ghost tossed a grenade down the hall, but it unfortunately landed in an open doorway, exploding in a nearby room.

"What's the plan?" Soap yelled across to Ghost.

"Don't get shot!"

It was an awful plan, but at the moment, it was all the trio could do as the minigun continued to spray.

"Johnny, do you have any more C4?" Y/n yelled as he loaded a new clip into his rifle.

"No, we used them on the helicopter!"


"Wait at the doorway!" Y/N yelled, pointing to the door behind Soap.

"What about it?" Ghost yelled as another round of bullets whizzed past him.

"It might connect to the room next door if I can get into it and time it perfectly. I could get an explosive into the group as they pass the room!" Y/n explained.

"Absolutely not!" Soap yelled, grabbing onto the captain's vest.

"You got a better idea?"

Ghost had managed to drop one of the normal troopers, who fell back onto the hallway floor. The others kept pushing up against the juggernaut leading the way towards 141.

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