Chapter 2: Task Force 141

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3rd Person POV


Ghost, along with the rest of Task Force 141 were pinned down by enemy gunfire. Soap and Gaz had taken cover behind a concrete wall, while Price and Ghost were stuck behind a series of containers. The Russians in front of them had been firing away for what felt like hours, but luckily no one had been hit yet. Price grumbled in annoyance at the current situation while Ghost looked for a way out of the firefight. Then he saw the opening they needed, the crane that was used to move containers had stopped in perfect position above the Russians, and if Soap could get a clean shot at its center cord, the cargo above would drop giving Ghost and the others time to fight back during the chaos that would follow.

"Soap!" Ghost yelled over the firing of the machine guns.


"Keep out of their sight, but shoot the crane's cord above!" Ghost yelled.

Soap kept his head low but trained his sniper on the spot where the various cords met. Taking a deep breath in and holding it he concentrated, tuning out everything else. Squeezing the trigger, the bullet tore through the connection spot and the large box fell below, landing in the middle of the now panicking Russians who were lucky not to get immediately crushed. Ghost and Price swung around the container instantly dropping a few enemies as Gaz threw a grenade at the other side of the building. Once the smoke cleared, they waited to see if the shooting would start back up only for the night to remain silent.

"We're clear. Push up to the building." Price ordered as Ghost followed closely behind guns trained on the area where men once were. The bodies were scattered from their original locations as they had tried to get out of the way; a few had succeeded while others had been crushed by the giant empty container. Soap and Gaz jumped through the broken window as Ghost and Price pushed through the double door. The building was empty aside from several large shipping containers and piles of weapons.

"Alright, spread out and see what you can find, but keep your head up in case there are any more." Price and Ghost walked off in one direction, while Gaz and Soap headed for the back of the large room.

"So, Soap, how are you and Ghost these days?" Gaz asked from behind the Scotsman.

"Fine why?" Soap replied, leaning around a corner to check for enemies.

"Heard about Las Almas. It seems like you two are really connected..." Gaz chuckled.

Soap froze as he felt his face heat up at the thought of Las Almas. It had been about a month since they had left Alejandro and Rudy and killed Hassan in Chicago. Even after the mission, the jokes and teasing between the sergeant and lieutenant continued and only got stronger. Soap forced himself to return to reality, turning another corner but lowering his weapon once he reached the other side of the building. Soap reached for his neck radio to update the captain on the other side of the warehouse.

"Price. Gaz and I reached the back of the building; we are looking for intel now. Out."

"Roger, let me know if you find anything. Ghost and I are checking the containers. Out." The older man replied.

The tables had routes from their location in Norway that ran through Sweden and Finland, with a few going all the way straight into Russia.

"Fuck me."

Gaz had found something interesting as Soap walked over; he saw the plans for what looked like several dozen containers all strapped together.

"Some kind of bomb?" Gaz asked, running a finger over the plans.

"Maybe...we should show Price." Gaz nodded as they started to head back to the front door.

Price and Ghost opened several containers only to find old weapons, vehicle parts, ammo and emptiness. Suddenly Ghost spun around pointing his gun at the corner but instantly lowered it when Gaz and Soap walked around with their guns up as well.

"Fucking hell Johnny, at least tell us you are coming back." Ghost grumbled.

"Sorry lieutenant but we found something in the back. Take a look." Soap handed the plans to Ghost, who stepped to one side so Price could see them as well.

"What do you think it is, captain?" Gaz asked.

"I'm not sure, but we have one last container to open. You two get those doors open."

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