Chapter 4: Family Reunion

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Y/n's POV

Price stood there with wide eyes and a expression that was a mix between shock and borderline "this man just had a heart attack" look. I just smiled, waiting for him to say something, but all he did was set the gun on the coffee table without saying a word. I started to get slightly concerned that I had broken the old man, so I stood up and walked over to the front of the desk, slowly reaching out to poke his arm to see if he was even still alive.


Before I could get the rest of his name out he had pulled me into his arms while starting to cry a little. The hug was bone-crushing and I was struggling to breathe while trying to get out of the man's grip to no avail. Kate couldn't help but laugh at the scene as Price held me close trying not to sob as I struggled to get air into my lungs.


John let me go as I slightly fell to the ground since he was much taller than I was. He just chuckled, wiping away a tear and holding onto my shoulder while I forced air back into my lungs like a guy who had just completed a marathon.

"Sorry kid I just..I can't believe you're here!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, Kate asked me to come, apparently I am some kind of Christmas gift."

John looked over at Kate with a frown, but once again he pulled me into a hug, this one much more gentle. It was comforting to be back with John and Kate and I gladly returned the hug. Eventually Kate decided to break up the tender moment with a long list of questions that would last for the rest of the night.

"So you look different from the last time we saw you." She nodded at my new appearance as John and I sat down in the chairs across the small table.

"A lot changes in three years, but yeah I decided to grow my hair out along with a new wardrobe." Back when I worked more often  with Kate and John, I had much shorter hair that was black as night, as well as a boring outfit of camouflage that never changed. Since then, I had grown my hair out to the point where it could be tucked behind my ears, along with it being highlighted with gold stripes. My outfit was also no longer the boring sand color, now being a mix of black and red clothing. Kate had actually given me the pack of t-shirts that I wore now under my vest, which was also black with red stripes for added color. The windbreaker I also wore was from Kate but since I had flown straight from Al Mazrah, I decided not to wear it.

"How is your new look not against protocol?" John laughed as he pulled out a cigar, to which I quickly took from him.

"I can't believe you're still smoking this shit, and I could ask the same about your lieutenant with the mask isn't exactly up to protocol either."

I had watched as the group crossed the runway, taking note of each of the members. It was a strange mix of people but they looked happy together, especially the big guy in the skull mask and the man with the mohawk. Price just laughed at my comment, knowing full well that the skull mask probably wasn't allowed, but no one dared to tell Ghost that.

"We all make small customizations; this just happens to be mine." I said it proudly.

"I think it suits you!" Kate stated this while leaning back into the couch.

"I've heard some stories about your lieutenant, but he really isn't as scary as people make him out to be." I said changing the topic.

Ghost's reputation in the military was well known with stories of how he brutally killed his enemies, often not saying a word to his teammates and just not being a very friendly person. I didn't see any of that; he just seemed like a guy who happened to wear a skull mask while working. König wore a hood, so what difference was it really?

"Anyway what have you been up to kid? I haven't heard from you much since 2018 and judging by the fact that you are still in combat gear, I am guessing you got here recently." Price had pulled out another cigar to my disapproval, soon filling the room with the awful smell of cigar.

"I arrived less than 2 hours before you did, only because our plane hauled ass all the way here. As for what I've been up to, that's a much longer story but to simplify it, I have also been chasing after Makarov with little progress unfortunately."

That last part made Price freeze and turn to look at Kate, who seemingly knew this was going to be a difficult conversation. Price, while not my actual father had practically raised me, training me to be the best soldier I could be but also taking me on trips, sharing my first drink when I had turned 21, as well as just filling the role of a father figure. He had even been the one to throw the first guy I brought back to base out since he had unfortunately walked in on some "unprofessional" activities. He was nothing but supportive of me and my interests in other guys, but he did sit down with me and proceed to give me the "safe sex talk," which was just unbearable. I truly saw him as a reliable and trustworthy person, one who I would always look up to and come to if I needed help.

"Why didn't you tell me he was looking for Makarov?" Price's tone has changed from happy to irritated.

"John, I didn't even know where he was a lot of the time he and his team worked out in the middle of nowhere. I was lucky he was in Al Mazrah when I contacted him." Kate said.

"Makarov is dangerous and you sent my son into the wild after him? He could have been killed!"

"Are we just going to skip over the part where I am still alive and sitting right here?" I butted in, trying to shift the focus back on me.

"Proud of you." Price answered without taking his eyes off Kate.

"He could have been killed and you didn't send me after him to help?" John had always had this protective instinct for those he cared about. I had heard about his rescue mission in Urzikstan to save Kate and the betrayal of Shepherd and Shadow Company, I was unfortunately not informed until after they had already killed Hassan about a day or so later.

"Dad, it really isn't that big a deal; this is what we do. You used to tell me that you had that saying all the time. We get dirty, and the world stays clean. I get that you wanted to be there, but if you had been, Urzikstan would be in chaos and Hassan would have been successful with his missiles."

Price just signed, put out his cigar leaning back into his chair and rubbing his eyes. It was probably a difficult thing for him accept not being there to help me but I had my own squad now and they did their jobs better than I could have ever hoped for.

"I'm proud of you. You have come a long way and the captain of your own squad." Price smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

"It wasn't easy, but your training helped and so did you Kate. I probably should have thanked you both sooner." They both just smiled and nodded.

"So how long are you staying with us?" Price asked.

"Ask Kate but my guess would be until we either capture or kill Makarov."

"We need more clues on where he could be first but I'd like you and your squad to stay until we find him, so get comfortable." Kate responded. I decided I wanted to change the topic from work since I was already worn out from my last mission and had not yet adjusted to the time zone change.

"So tell me about this 141 group of yours." I asked nodding to the framed photo on his desk. It was a picture of them and Kate at some kind of bar that I assumed was after a mission but had been taken recently.

"Soap, Gaze, and Ghost." They are good men with wildly different personalities. Gaz is like another son to me—a good kid who does his job well; he was originally a cop, but I asked him to join during the Urzikstan mission. Soap is a demolitions expert, sniper is always good for a laugh, but he can also talk your ear off, and Ghost... Ghost is something entirely different."

I couldn't help but be interested in this masked individual. There was something about him that was both mysterious and interesting. The story behind the mask I guessed was probably not a happy one but I knew better than to pry about that kind of thing since König wore his for comfort rather than some super-traumatic experience. I hadn't even met him and there was already a certain level of curiosity and nerves that came along with the thought of having to meet him.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to hide my curiosity.

"Ghost has had a difficult past, and he tends not to like surprises, so this whole thing could upset him a lot, so be gentle." John warned.

"We have all had our fair share of bad experiences in this line of work, but I understand. Still, I suppose it's worth it if the rest of the world can sleep soundly and be safe." I replied.

Price immediately knew who I was referring to. Before Price had 141, he had the "Delta Squad," which was composed of myself, Roach, Chimera, and Longshot. Now only Price and I were left to walk the earth, with the other three meeting their fates on the battlefield. Roach had taken a gunshot to the head during a failed extraction when he slipped off a roof, making it to the helicopter but getting shot just as he jumped off the ladder. Chimera was MIA after our position in the Caucus Mountains was compromised and we had to fall back. That loss was hard for me since he and I had become closer than friends and we did everything together. Longshot was killed when she was attempting to direct our squad from a nearby naval ship but a missile had locked onto the small ship's bridge, killing everyone who was moving around onboard.

Each loss was harder for Price to handle and afterwards he made a promise to make sure I wasn't going to get killed under his watch. I ended up becoming a captain and leaving to work with my own squad and despite Price's fears, he still admitted he was proud of me. The communication was bad and I couldn't help but feel guilty because I knew there were probably times when he was having panic attacks over not knowing if I was dead or alive. Once I was able to get the few letters to Kate, he probably relaxed more knowing I was still out there doing my job. We both moved on in our own ways, with me disappearing into remote locations and being one with nature while hunting down high-value targets and Price forming a new squad.


I was pulled back to reality when I heard his voice. I just looked over at him with a spaced-out expression, and he just patted my shoulder and nodded.

"I know, kid, but there isn't anything we can do now. I'm just glad you're here and still in one piece."

"I have my fair share of scars, but yeah, I haven't lost a limb or anything yet." I laughed lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Kate asked, also trying to shift the conversation.

"I'm not sure I was expecting to be here with you all, so I am going to follow your lead." I responded.

We would probably be somewhere out in the
desert waiting to ambush another convoy but instead I was warm and surrounded by the people who had helped me reach the position I was in now. This was much better than being called up in a LTV out in the middle of nowhere or sprawled out on the sandy ground listening to Reyes snore like a mother fucker all night.

"I guarantee Soap has plans for tomorrow but is keeping them a secret, so for now I suggest getting settled in and getting some rest." Price stood and Kate nodded, picking up her Santa mug waving goodnight and disappearing down the hall. Price and I talked a little longer but soon sleep was overtaking both of us. As he led me out and locked the door he stopped.

"I'm glad you're back kid. I was worried a lot when Kate only got a few letters now and then."

"I know I'm sorry. I should have tried to keep in contact more."

"It's okay, just don't get killed during these joint missions."

"Night son." He walked down the hall, opening and closing his bedroom door, leaving me standing in the hall alone, unaware that someone was peeking around the corner. I just sighed, rubbing my eyes and made my way to the end of the hall to try to get some sleep.

3rd Person POV

"Fuck me....the captain has a son?" Gaz whispered nearly dropping his late night sandwich while running down the hall to the kitchen where he knew Ghost and Soap would be. Gaz couldn't think straight just needing to tell someone what he had just overheard in the hall. Making his way down the hall he crashed through the doors startling both Ghost and Soap who fell off the lieutenants lap and onto the floor.

"Fucking hell Garrick stop being so loud!" Ghost yelled as Gaz who was now out of breath, slowly making his way over to the table. Soap peaked over the table with a pink tint on his cheeks from being caught in a romantic situation.

"G-Gaz, it isn't what it looked like!" Soap stated trying to play it off.

"Don't care, everyone knows about you two!"

Both Ghost and Soap looked like they wanted to die right there and then when the words left the sergeant's mouth.

"P....bloody hell...Price has a son! He's the new task force's captain!" Gaz blurred out, dropping his forehead onto the table.

Ghost and Soap immediately turned to look at each other in confusion. Simon's normal stone-cold expression was nowhere to be seen. He was also in shock from the news and Soap looked like a cartoon character with his mouth so wide open you could probably fit a brick in there.

"Fucking hell..."

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