ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 5

Start from the beginning

The pout lingering on her face told me that she wasn't fully convinced.

"But I'll go check on him, just for you" A smile replaced the pout. "I'm pretty sure the jet's here already, so Wyatt and I will just head to the hangar together afterwards"

The smile was gone as quickly as it came. "You're leaving?"

A sigh left my lips. "We're conducting an investigation on the reaper's commanders and I feel that things are about to take a turn for the worse. The others need me back in L.A."

"That's what I was going to tell you when I walked in," Griffin spoke up. "I'm staying though to keep an eye on you"

"You say that like Miles and I haven't been taking care of her for the past 4 months" Kai mumbled.

"Better safe than sorry. I'll feel more at ease knowing Griffin is here with you guys," I said.

"Yeah, that makes sense" The frown on her face contradicted her words.

I placed my hand on the top of her head, ruffling her hair, much to her annoyance. Her head shot up.

Even though she was glaring at me, I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

She didn't want me to leave.

"If I had my way I wouldn't leave either" My voice was low so that she'd be the only person able to hear me.

"I'd take you with me and we'd run away. Just the two of us. Away from all the drama of the mafia and everything else. But it's never that easy"

"You're gonna come back right?"

"I'll always come back to you, my love." I reassured her, my right hand cupping her face. "Always, there's no doubt in my mind about it"

"They're just going to act like we aren't here?" Kai asked while Miles sighed.

"Griffy, how bout I show you how to make those cookies you had earlier?" Miles asked.

"There's no reason to. You know I don't eat if you aren't the person cooking for me"

"So how were you able to survive these past 8 months?" Kai questioned.

"Take out," Griffin replied like it was nothing.

"You ate take out everyday for the past 8 months?" Miles was dumbfounded.

Griffin's voice was small when he responded. "It wasn't everyday. More like once a week"

"You only ate once a week? For the past 8 months?" Miles was livid as he stared at Griffin.

"Oh yeah that's true. Him and Xavier thought it'd be smart to starve themselves in order to feel even a bit of the pain they put you and Via through." Kai said.

"Xavier's was probably worse though. You saw how bad he looked when he walked into Raven. I'd say he ate once every two-"

"We're going to continue this conversation in the kitchen. Away from those two" Miles announced.

He stood up and dragged Kai along with him, sparing a single glance at Griffin before my best friend was following after his boyfriend into the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes, my attention returning to my breathtaking girl in front of me. Her face housed a broken look.

"Kai's right isn't he?" Her voice was barely audible as she looked up at me, barely listening to anything the others had said. "You didn't take care of yourself then, what if it happens again?"

"I promised you I'd never do that again, didn't I baby?" I searched her eyes as I spoke. "A pinkie promise, right? The most powerful promise in the world, remember?"

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