ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

Start from the beginning

Orsetto hated tattoos. At least that was what he had told me. A voice in my head reminded me that he wasn't my orsetto anymore, that I had fucked up so badly that he didn't trust me enough to even talk to me.

I was reminded that this was Miles. A grown man who was taking care of our little sister.

Due to the distance between us, I couldn't make out exactly what it was but it seemed to be some sort of bird.

Time seemed to slow as his eyes met mine. His face paled and the worry that was once in them turned to shock and panic.

The sound of footsteps made me turn back to Olive who was already exiting the bar through one of the backdoors, Miles following right behind her.

"I called Xamira and Diego. Xam's pissed we interrupted their double date with Kat and Jordan but they're on their way to take Melanie home" Derrick said, sweeping Melanie into his arms causing her to giggle.

"I've got these three" Wyatt said, dragging their unconscious bodies towards the front door of the bar. "Had to put them to sleep first but I can't wait till they wake up and we can finally play"

"I still have no idea what just happened" The dark haired guy said.

"I've got you man," Derrick replied.

A flash of crazy passed through Wyatt's eyes before he stopped, looking at the doors Miles and Olive had left through before turning to Xavier and I.

"Well? Go get them"

I was already moving before he finished talking, Xavier following behind. We left the bar through the same doors Olive and Miles went through.

A hallway greeted us the moment we stepped through them, a set of stairs at the very end, leading to both a higher and lower level and a door at the side opposite the stairs.

I saw Miles exiting through the door opposite the stairs and immediately went after him. Stepping out of the bar, I was greeted with the crisp chill of the air.

Of course it was raining.

I was barely able to make out Miles' silhouette taking a right at the fork ahead of us, despite the rain that had now drenched the both of us.

"Orsetto" I called desperately, running after him when he ignored me.

The right turn led out of the alley, revealing the entrance to the bar. A curse left my mouth when Miles entered a car parked in front of the bar and started the engine.

My legs shifted before my brain could register the movement and I was standing in front of the car.

"Orsetto, please" Tears clouded my vision as he locked eyes with me, his hand on the steering wheel.

He reversed, trying to turn but I shook my head and moved in front of the car again.

"I'm not going to stop until you let me talk," I told him, pushing my damp hair out of my face. "Might as well run me over"

I don't know why I added the last part.

I knew what kind of person Miles was and he would definitely have run me over without a second thought, especially after everything I put him through.

Luckily, he decided that I still deserved to live on the same earth as he did and turned off the car.

I watched him hit his head against the steering wheel a couple times, mumbling inaudible words.

Then all of a sudden, the left door of the car lifted up.

I stood in front of the car, unable to move, confusion seeping through every fiber of my being. Miles lifted his head from the steering and locked eyes with me, his expression unreadable.

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