katsuki's phone

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"I swear this is the best class to go to when you get kicked out." A female voice said, Jane opened her arms for a hug.

I finally turnt to see it was Alana. "What'd you do this time?" I sighed while giving her a hug after Jane.

"My work. Then went on my phone. I can't deal with these white conservative teachers bro. They too much." Alana took a seat behind us.

"Were you in Ms. Jones?" I asked her.

"No but she's the one who walked me over here. I know she's obsessed because she follows me everywhere." Alana smiled glancing at Katsuki who hasn't said a word.

"Yes?" I flinched to the bass of Katsuki's voice that came out so randomly.

"Nigga you just been quiet. Didn't even say hi or nothing." Alana looked at him.

"Cause I don't like y'all. Now there's three of y'all."

"You act like you stressed all the time." I laughed at him.

"Exactly, like you got a 9 to 5 job." Jane chuckled.

Katsuki grumbled while taking out his phone in which Jane quickly snatched, going to his camera.

"ooh!" Alana muttered as she scooted closer to take a picture.

"I don't want y'all ugly faces in my camera roll." Katsuki said reaching over.

"Don't like him get it." Jane ordered as he quickly posed.

"Hold up lemme see it." Alana tried to press the picture.

"Im about to cause a scene if y'all don't give me my fucking phone."

"Wait how do I send it to myself?"

"Let's take another" Jane spoke.

"GIVE ME MY FUCKING PHONE BACK!" Katsuki shouted, you could only hear the rustling off the chairs as they looked in our direction, a few people flinched and others were about to bust out laughing.

"Katsuki up here now. Grab your stuff. I'm not dealing with the foolishness today." The teacher muttered as he grabbed the phone and called one of the teachers trying to see if they could take him.

We all laughed as he gathered his stuff with an attitude, then opened his hand for his phone.

"What phone?" Jane looked at him and tilted her head in pure confusion.

"I'm not fucking playing." Katsuki shaked his hand, "You know what? Fine. Im fucking y'all up at lunch. Fucking dumbasses." Katsuki muttered as he brushed passed us, leaving the classroom without even knowing where to go.

"Do you have his phone?" The teacher looked at us.

"No." Alana looked at him with a blank face.

"He just crazy. It's honestly scary." I replied.

We went back to his phone and sent our pictures to ourselves.

"Let's check his phone." Alana suggested.

"Alright." Jane hummed going to his home screen.

"What we checking?" I looked at them.

"Look at their group chat." Alana said.

"Oh yeah this finna be good." I sighed getting closer.

Jane pressed the green app and scrolled until she saw something called "pimps and simps"

"That's so lame." Alana laughed.

"Weak ass user name." Jane clicked on their messages, quickly skimmed it, then looked at me.

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