Chapter 02: First Day

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"I can't get it open!"

"The water's getting higher!" 

"I don't want to die!"


"Don't leave me!"

"I love you..."

Jayden awoke with a start, breathing heavily as the traumatic memories viscously lingered. A thin sheet of sweat covered him, the adrenaline slowly fading as he realized where he truly was. But, no matter how hard he tried, all he could focus on were the persistent memories. Those haunting reminders of the one he couldn't help or save. Tears fell from his eyes rapidly as he curled into the fetal position and silenced his sorrow.

That's the worst kind of crying, I think. The silent one. The one when everyone's asleep and unaware. The one where you feel it in your throat and your vision becomes blurry. The one where you just want to scream. The one where you grab your stomach to keep quiet. The one where you can't even breath anymore. The one where you realize the one person that meant the most to you is gone and never coming back.

After a couple hours of silent torture, Jayden was able to calm down enough to get ready for his first day of school. The day had come and he was still apprehensive. He knew he'd have to simply suck it up and endure eventually; so, why not now? He wasn't looking forward to being the new kid. People staring, whispering, curiously gossiping. The only positive aspect he could see was the fact that he'd be able to hopefully rely on his cousin for support. To whom had no idea he'd even moved to town. Seeing as they didn't really know each other that well, he didn't know how the reunion would go.

Once he was dressed and ready for the day, Jayden began the ten minute walk to his new school. He was grateful for the extra time to prepare himself for what was to come. As a way of keeping his unease at bay, he focused on the students. The joy of people-watching always allowed him to put his thoughts aside for even a brief moment.

He also knew that he and Blaine were going to be the talk of the town in no time. Every local had grown up together, dating back generations. New comers were always on a slippery slope when it came to small town communities. They'd either be welcomed with open arms or vilified. Not that the brothers cared much either way.

Jayden arrived at the school with the same emotions he felt as the last school he had to start over in. He wasn't a stranger to uncomfortable circumstances. He knew what he was going to have to do to gain the proper respect by others. He just needed to remember not to run before trying to walk.

As the young man walked through the parking lot with feigned confidence, he ignored the curious eyes that followed his every movement. By complete accident, Jayden then noticed the one person he wanted to see most in that very moment.

An unaware Bella Swan stood by her truck while looking through her backpack. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he then approached her with unintended caution. "Hey, Isabella." She immediately looked up with confusion. "I'm Jayden. Jayden Royal. I'm not sure if you remember me."

Recognition was still no where to be found as she slowly and awkwardly shook her head. "Sorry, no."

He smiled and nodded. "That's fine. I didn't really expect you to. I'm Abigail and Bartholomew's kid. They haven't really talked to Uncle Charlie much, as you know. They're kind of... a lot." he rambled out of nervousness, hoping she'd recognize his name at the very least.

Realization then flashed within her perceptive eyes. "Oh, really? I thought you guys lived in Ohio. Don't you have an older brother?"

Jayden nodded, his relief being both great and unexpected. "Yeah, we did. But Blaine and I wanted a change of pace, I guess. He's working down at the Body Shop now a-days." 

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