Chapter 74

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This was perhaps their most important mission. The consequences dire. But if they could pull it off, the outcome outweighed the danger.

After his proposal, they'd spent the night in bed kissing and talking, planning. Coming to a decision that was both equally risky and clever, crafting it down to every minute detail. It involved outright deception with their friends, but there was no other way around it.

They couldn't make a single misstep.

"You're certain, then?" He asked, brushing back her hair. The way he was touching her, she would agree to practically anything, anyway. "This is what you want?"

"It is. And it's the right time." Koschei was still out there, an impending war looming, glamoured by the goings of their everyday lives. But it was inevitable. And how many times had Gwyn put off things for the sake of time? The mating bond was one thing—this was more important. She was going to forge her own path. Follow her own star, her heart. "I want to do this, Azriel. As long as you think Feyre won't take offense."

"Feyre won't, I promise."

"But we'll do something for her."

"Whatever you want, Berdara."

"Whatever we want, Shadowsinger."

That had been the key. If they didn't do it soon, if they waited until everyone knew of their engagement, it would snowball. Grow and grow. Nesta would undoubtedly want to help, but Nesta and Cassian's mating ceremony had been the height of extravagance. Then there were Mor and Rhysand, who would undoubtedly want to help once they heard. They'd talked at length about what they wanted.

Intimate. Small. Each other.

That was all.

Nothing fancy or regal, just the two of them surrounded by their closest friends. At one point, Gwyn was ready to drag Az down from the House proper and wake up Clotho and simply do it. Just the two of them and the Mother.

But she knew, understood.

Though he didn't outright express it, Azriel wanted his friends there. She saw that in the way his eyes brightened at the prospect of declaring his love and loyalty to her before them all. He wanted the support, perhaps even needed it. And Azriel deserved to feel their love wrap around him at that moment.

"So, you know what you have to do?" she asked.

"Yes. I'll take care of it. Do you?"

"Of course I do. Then I guess Mission Gwynriel is officially a go."

Azriel arched his brow in bafflement. "Gwynriel?"

"Well, it's a combination of both our names, is it not? What else would you call it? Would you prefer your name first? Azwyn? Awyneth? Azryn?"

He leaned in instinctively, his words brushing against her lips. "You are fucking ridiculous, Gwyneth Berdara. And yes, as Spymaster of the Night Court, I formally approve this mission. Not that it matters, because you would have done it, anyway."

"And you reluctantly love me for it."

His laugh was full and wild as he pulled her into his arms, rolling her on top of him, delicious intent warming his eyes. "I do."


Nesta was still glaring at her with what those far from her would probably mistake for a death promise. Gwyn just knew she was unamused. Her best friend, her confidant, would never say no to her, even if she sprung something this important on her without warning. The copper-headed Valkyrie knew this and used it to her full advantage. They had been on the roof, stretching their muscles after a mild workout, when she'd casually brought it up.

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