The Blood On Their Hands

Start from the beginning


Performance day came. There was a feverish excitement coming from the front of the auditorium. To put up a drama and show the beautiful story of a Grim Reaper called "Adler," the same character her friend, Louis, will be playing as. It was one of the reasons why everyone wanted to see the performance. All because of Louis, the soon-to-be Beastar.

Misaki took her time when getting there as Louis, beforehand, had called her to say that he had saved seats for her and her friends, Mei and Haru. The residents of Room 607 were supposed to accompany them, but they were preoccupied with the opening performance and got tickets for the second day instead. How generous Louis was giving to her.

"Man, your boyfriend is sure the reason why this is so packed," Mei shared and nudged Haru a bit. "Oh, please. He's not my boyfriend," Haru crossed her arms. Despite her saying this, Misaki and Mei know that Haru feels something deeper than she perceives. It quite saddens Misaki as Mei has had a crush on Haru for over a year, what she knows anyway.

"Oh, wait, I think the majority are first years. Louis did mention that the students for the first show would be those who were interested to see them perform for the first time, and the remaining would be fans maybe," Misaki forgot to share. "We can take our time. They've saved us seats anyway," she shared as she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She looked over and up to find Mina the Giraffe. "You getting in? You took a while to get here," Mina placed her head down to Misaki's level to say that. "Yeah, we knew it would be filled with students in the first hour before showtime," Misaki shared. "We also bought flowers for the whole team," Mei pulled up the basket of flowers.

She and Haru were carrying together from each end of the basket handle. They made sure the tickets were with Misaki.

"That's great! Come on, let me accompany you to the front," Mina grabbed the basket and guided them to their seats. "Oh, sweet! Front row seats," Mei looked excited as they sat on their seats, Misaki in the middle, Mei on her right, and Haru on her left. "Right in the middle as well," Haru pointed out as she looked around.

The lights died down after ten minutes of waiting. "Grim Reaper! Why are they chasing me?!" Ellen shouts in a hurry. "Because you were supposed to have died three days ago," Adler shared like it was a fact as the two ran away with their hands together. Adler lets go and slashes an enemy.

"Water, wind, fire. The forces of nature all want you dead," he told her. "Then, these guys are a part of them?" Ellen asked. "Yes," Adler answered. "This is a fight against fate," he shielded her from the others wanting to kill her. "Just stay behind me. Killing you is my job. Until then, I won't let anyone lay a finger on you," Adler exclaimed, and everyone was wow-ed.

Of all the performances she had seen of him, this was the most breathtaking she had ever seen. A Grim Reaper, so different from other stories about them. A hero who still gets the job done. Louis made sure that the audience took their breath away as they looked in awe, but not in the eyes of Misaki.

She notices some sluggish movement, especially on his left leg. She wanted to scold him for not taking good care of himself. She'll have to wait until the performance ends. Despite her observance, his radiance would last through the final scene.

"Ellen, you came back," Adler sat on the ground as he gazed at her. "Thank goodness," Ellen took his open hand. "For I have no greater desire than to be with you! I am a Reaper. Our deaths are proof of our love for each other," he placed a hand behind Ellen's head, and she collapsed underneath him.

"Ellen... will you understand once you've departed?" He asked as he was consumed with silence.

The silence became loud. Loud with applause and cheer. Misaki clapped with a frown as her friends cheered with the crowd. Misaki could not handle the worry about her dear friend. All this was a surprise for her, for her to finally be wow-ed by his performance.

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