The Blood On Their Hands

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Chapter 4 | The Blood On Their Hands

As it has been a while since she hung out with Louis, she has been cheery since Legoshi became part of her life. Despite not being allowed in the Drama Club for the performance, she walks over with a bag of egg sandwiches. She learned a lot about Legoshi throughout the past few weeks, maybe a month in.

They both love egg sandwiches and are interested in insects. They're egalitarian in their worlds, him treating everyone with the same amount of respect and her making sure that everyone in the facility can see themselves as equal. Both love to spend time alone. In addition, they harbor a great deal of self-loathing, even though they complement each other.

She knocked on the door to the practice room as she rocked on her feet. The door opened, and it was Sheila the Cheetah. "Hey, Misaki! Are you here for Legoshi again?" She asked with a smile as the people inside became loud. "Yeah, is he busy? It would have been easier if I just got in, but Louis is determined not to let me see your practices until the performance," Misaki shared.

"We're about to take our break anyway. The props are in the other room; you won't get spoiled anyway," Sheila opened the door wider. "You know, now that I think about it. You usually come here for Louis or to help us out. Have you gotten bored with our star?" She smirked. "Nah, he seems to want to make this performance perfect if he wants to wow me," Misaki shared.

Misaki remembered the first time she went to visit Legoshi. They had asked if she was there for Louis, and they were shocked that she was looking for the quiet wolf. They knew her due to Louis' duty by the facility to be Misaki's guide, or what Misaki would call, his babysitting duty. And the fact that she was their assistant director...

The facility also required her to have two after-school activities as her schedule would be more open than the usual student schedule. She opted for two clubs that had her friends: The Drama Club and the Gardening Club.

"Everybody! We have a guest! Let's take five!" She shouts as Misaki gets inside. "Hey, Misaki/Misaki-senpai!" The majority of the members greeted her. "Hello, everyone," she waved at everyone. As an assistant director, her eye for acting, choreo, and props is far better than a critic's. They appreciate the thought and feedback she gives.

Misaki turned around and got up the ladder. "Wait, Misaki! Let me get down instead," Legoshi looked worried, especially her wearing a skirt. "It's fine, I'm already up here," she turned her body to let her sit on the ledge of where she was at. She didn't worry since she was wearing black shorts. Legoshi brought a hand out for her, and she stood up.

Now that she knows where he usually stays, she would not have seen him as she's usually on this side when helping the others out. But why has he not introduced himself earlier since he has been part of the club for four years?

"I'll let you lovebirds be," Kai the Mongoose smirked as he climbed down the ladder. "Kai!" Legoshi looked at Kai in a panic. "You get that a lot too?" Misaki asked as she walked to one end. "I don't get why they say that," Legoshi shared, feeling embarrassed that she's getting them too. "You know, the whole guy and girl thing when you see them hanging out often," she shrugged.

"Does it bother you?" She asked as she pulled out his box of egg sandwiches. "I—Um," Legoshi didn't know what to say. Ever since he was vulnerable to her, he felt calmer when she was around or whenever she touched him. He knows it's a weird feeling, but he can't control his wagging tail and beating heart. "You'll get used to it," Misaki petted his head.

He loves it when she does that. If not his head...

Legoshi swished his tail at her, and she giggled. She grabbed his tail gently; it sent shivers down his spine. It may be a sensitive part of animals, but he loves her reaction when it comes to his tail. He bit his egg sandwich and spent his break with Misaki as the teasing wasn't heard or seen below them.

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