"Yeah that's the one he lied about" Shane reminded her.

"I never lied I just got mixed up about what the bases meant" causing more laughter from the group "and Cassie you can hardly talk you weren't getting with heaps of people"

Cassie chuckled softly thinking back "no I guess not but I had Natasha. And that was enough"

"And you had Ryan before that." Rick reminded her to which she smiled slightly. He had been her first boyfriend before he broke up with her when she wouldn't sleep with him.

"Damm I still can't believe Natasha was gay or I would have gotten on that" Shane said which made Cassie smirk.

"You were so jealous that I got with her. But when you like both guys and girls you've got a wide selection" she smiled before the three went silent. Rick had always been happy for his sister having found who she was and always supported her.

"Shouldn't be talking about this stuff. That idea gone along with everyone one in it. Shelia, Natasha, Maryanne Mrs Kelly. I mean we're like old folk all the people in out stories are dead." Shane said negativity coming from every word he said.

"We can't just forget them" Rick said disagreeing with Shane and Cassie could tell an argument would probably spark from this.

"The hell we can't. It's hard enough to accept what's happened without digging up the past. I'll tell you what it is. It's nostalgia it's like a drug. It keeps you from seeing things the way they are"Shane told them which made Cassie frown. How could Shane so easily forget about the lives they used to have? "That's a danger you got people depending on you."

"You think I don't know that?" Rick asked Shane as they came to a stop.

"I don't know. I mean you've got every able body we got out looking for a little girl we both know is likely dead" Shane told them and that's when Cassie had had enough.

"Stop saying that Shane she's alive out there. How can you give up so easily on her? What if it was Carl missing out there?" She asked but Shane never gave her a reply so she continued "you think we should give up the search don't you?"

Rick gave Shane a look as he waited for his reply to his sisters question. "It's not my call is it?"

"We'll we're asking" Rick told him siding with his sister.

"Survival guys.It means making hard decisions but you've both got this knack.You spread is thinner and thinner. I'm trying to save lives while you two save cats from trees" Shane told them both walking away.

"Is that what you think Sophia is a cat in a tree?" Rick asked Shane disgusted that the man he saw as a brother could think that.

"Don't do that man don't twist my words" Shane said.

"We'll what did you mean Shane?" Cassie asked but he ignored her.

"How many times have we get called up to look for a missing child man. You got 72 hours before your looking for a dead body. And that was before. You honestly think we'll find Sophia alive?" He asked them.

"Yes I do. What do you think Shane?" Cassie responded hoping he wouldn't say what she thought he would.

"You want my complete honesty?" He asked her.

"Please" she said.

"It's maths Cass. Alive or not Sophia only matters to the degree in which she drags the rest of us down" he responded which caused Cassie to scoff and look away from him. "You wanted honesty. You know if we had just moved on we'd be half way to fort benning by now and Carl wouldn't have been shot!"

Stars and Scars [D.Dixon fic] TWDWhere stories live. Discover now