also very small, but timeline!!

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should've done this a while back but here's the timeline in my au!!
- Friday (age 14) arrives at highcrest, she moves into year 9. This is book 1
- August, friday turns 15, this is around book 5 or 6
- Book 7, we're in year 10 now! Everyone is either 16 or 15 in this book
- Book 8. At the ending instead of Ian going away he stays! everything plays out happy lives for the rest of highschool but then first year of uni and Ian has to go away for the same reason as cannon in book 8 except it's only for a year. He and friday break up for the time being since the two decide they cannot handle long distance and will get back together after the year (but obv's things change)
- Book 9 onwards: all characters are 18 and above!

uh yeah!

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