Stuck in hell

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Ethan's POV
[I was trying to keep Jayden comfortable, but it wasn't working. We were stuck here. It was hell for us. We were starving, cold, and really uncomfortable being here]

Jayden: Ethan.

Ethan: I know, Jayden. I'm trying.

Logan: Ugh, you ain't doing nothing, Eth. Let me try. HEY! ASSHOLE! WE ARE HUNGRY! FEED US, YOU BITCHES!

Sydney: Be quiet, kid. Here's your meals and shut up.

Jayden: Finally. Rice and hash browns. And eggs. Thank goodness. I'm starving.

Sydney: Hey, sweetheart. Where's the other lady?

Lydia: Uhh.

Sean: Keep moving. You're skinny ass needs to eat.

Mia: Get off! Ow!

Lydia: Mia! Oh, my God. Thank gosh.

Sean: Just let you know, buttercup. She's sweet, and amazing.

Sydney: You wanna get some food?

Sean: Hell yeah.

Lydia: Mia, are you okay? What happened? What did he do?

Mia: Uh. I wanna go home.

Lydia: Mia-

Lydia's POV
[I saw it. She had bite marks on her neck, and her right shoulder was even bleeding. I'd figured out myself that this guy was really into young girls, she was even breathing heavily]

Lydia: Mia. Are you alright?

Mia: I hate this guy! He's a rapist. I wanna go home! I wanna see Mom and Dad! I hate this place, Lydia!

Lydia: Mom, and Dad are coming for us. I know it.

Ethan: ... Come get us please, Dad.

Paul: Get in there, lady. You had enough.


Logan: It's hell here, Ethan. We'll be stuck here before we know it.

Vincent: This is just the beginning for us here. I hope you're dad and my dad are coming for us. This place is just a hell hole. I can't even stand it here.

[The next day]

Desmond's POV
[We got back on the road after getting a few snacks from a mini store. D'Angelo came with us, cause the guy who took our children had gotten him too]

D'Angelo: Thanks for letting me go with you, Desmond.

Desmond: Don't mention it, my man. Hey, once we get there, we are gonna get our kids back. I promise.

Eva: *📞* Hey, bad news, people. There's this robotic thing chasing us and its getting closer. Ahh, what was I thinking? SPEED UP NOW!!!

[All of the cars were in front of me. And I speed up. All of us were driving fast to get away from that thing]


Eva: *📞* HEADS UP!

Eva's POV
[I managed to teleport everyone out of their cars and we landed on the grass. The giant robot standed there in confusion]

Eva: Here *🔮* Get in the van!

[It looked back at us. It started coming straight towards us]

Eva: Get in! Now!

Mary: Whatever you do, start driving now!

Eva: OH, I am gonna enjoy this.

[I speed off and I drove through the legs. It stopped and turned and starting chasing us]

Steven: Holy shit! Slow down!

Kimberly: This is fun!

Eva: Em, take over.

Emmett: OH crap.

[I jumped onto the top of the car, had a bomb in my hands and it was ready to explode]

Eva: Kiss your ass goodbye, you robotic cunt. Woo!

Connor: Did it work?

Eva: ... Boom.

[It exploded. Everyone looked back at it, I had a smirk on my face and was happy about it. Did what I did to that robot]

Nina: YES!

Eddie: Hell, yes. That was amazing.

Ace: The legs are after us.


Antonio: What the hell?

Eva: I got it.

[I put the car on reverse, startes to drive backwards and ran them over]

Eva: That's it. Let's move it!

Zack's POV
[She ran the legs over and the camera was broken. We couldn't control it since she ran it over with the car]

Zack: Damn it.

Paul: What is it?

Zack: Desmond's sister. She put a bomb on us. And she ran over the legs.

Sean: What the hell are we gonna do?

Zack: Fuck it. Desmond and his entire family and friends are coming for us. And his cousins whole cartel is with them. They are following them in separate cars. We ain't gonna let it happen.

Jayden: Dad?

Lydia: Dad, Mia. Daddy's coming for us.

Mia: OH, thank goodness.

Zack: Dyson, what's Desmond's sister's name?

Dyson: Her name is Eva. Eva Raven. Sam used to call her Evander, but she now preferred Eva instead. Here's a video of her killing something. The bear she killed, robot on the inside.

[On video] Eva: GET OFF! SON OF A BITCH! *AHH*

Zack: She has... powers?

Dyson: She's an animal. So does the oldest son. Ethan. What do we do? With him?

Zack: Take him out of his cell. Bind his hands so he won't be able to use them. Put him in the dungeon for now.

Adam: Get up, kid. You're coming with us.

Ethan: Get off! Let go! Logan!

Jayden: Ethan!

Vincent: Ethan! No!

Ethan: Get off me. Where are you taking me?

Sydney: Another cell, where you don't have to use your powers.

Ethan: Ugh! Come on!

Adam: Can't do it, kid. Give me your hands.

Ethan: GET OFF! Ugh!

Sydney: The circle?

Adam: Yes.

Ethan: Get off me, now! GET... NO! Ugh! Damn it.

Adam: You won't have to use your powers anymore. They are platinum. These will cover your hands and we won't have to worry.

Ethan: Let me out! Let me out!

To be continued

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