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Janice's POV
[It has passed... Our children had grew up to be athletes. They've won trophies for their sportsmanship. This is what they wanted to do, but Ethan.... he did really great]

Ethan's POV
[I was already 17, and I was still an athlete... My father would have been so proud for us all, so would our mother. We did not give up on them. This is what we all wanted... I was 17... Logan was 16... Mia was 15... Lydia was 14... and Jayden was 13. Thats us]

Desmond: You've all done well. I'm proud of you all, so is your mother. You have all grew up to be athletes, and wanted to be an athlete.

Janice: Sweetheart, its your cousin, Connor. He was in trouble, he was captured by some random person, so was Emmett.

Desmond: I'm going with him. You guys stay here.

Logan: Dad, we are athletes like you, you should take us with you. None of us are scared. Dad!

Janice: Logan.

Lydia: Dad, something might happen to you. They are probably there to make you fall into their trap.

Mia: What Lydia said. That's probably gonna happen. We don't wanna lose you, Dad.

Janice: Mia, all of you. That's enough.

Desmond: I am not gonna say it again. You all stay here.

Ethan: Dad, please. Let us come with you. We can fight.

Janice: Jayden, you need to stay.

Jayden: What?!

Desmond: Sorry, Jayden.

Jayden: Mom, are you serious? I wanna go with them, I can fight.

Mia: You do not understand how protective we are of you, Jay. And something might happen.

Desmond: Janice, he can come with us. But, Jayden, I know your 13 and you wanna fight but still, this can be a bit dangerous. Watch for yourself, okay?

Jayden: I will.

Desmond: Let's go!

Janice's POV
[I just hope my children and my husband will be safe... It's like how Sam did it last time... that boy has been dead for years now]

Desmond's POV
[We got to the place, it was abandoned inside and dark. I heard a few echos from the hallway, and I recognized the voice. It was Connor and Emmett]

Desmond: Alright, my children. Be prepared for this. Jayden, please watch yourself.

Jayden: Dad, I don't need you to say this. I'm only 13, and I can do this!

Ethan: Jayden, we all know. You just don't understand how overprotective we are of you. But what Dad said, you have to watch yourself.

Mia: Make sure what you are doing.

Jayden: Okay.

Jayden's POV
[I just don't understand why they would say this to me, it feels like I'm being overshadowed by my own siblings who are older than me. They should know that I am not a baby]

Desmond: Ready. Jayden, your up.

Jayden: Okay.

Logan: You can this.

Jayden: OH, my God.

Man 1: Hey, kid, you shouldn't be here. This is business we need to take care of you. Leave.

Jayden: I will. If you let go of my uncles, and done.

Man 2: OH, so sweet. We'll I wanna say that you are about to be dead as they are.

Jayden: No, I am not. You are. Look behind you.

Man 1: OH, no...

Desmond: Now, Jay.

[While fighting, I was able to untie them and rip that tape off their mouths]

Emmett: Ouch, be careful.

Connor: Thanks, Jayden.

Man 1: Sean, get that boy!

Jayden: OH, no!

Lydia: RUN, JAY!

Jayden's POV
[I ran as fast as I can to get out of there. I was pretty fast so I ran into the forest, he was a bit slow so he couldn't catch me]

Sean: I'll catch you, boy!

Jayden: The hell you can't, you slow bitch!

[I was running as fast as I can go. I wasn't even out of breathe yet, but he it looks like he was]

Sean: I ain't going to stop God damn it!

[He stopped... I kept running as far as I got. I climbed to a tall tree so he won't find me. I called my father to tell him where I was]

Jayden: Dad!

Desmond:*📞* Jayden, are you alright? Where are you?

Jayden: I'm somewhere far in the forest, I'm in a tall tree. Can you try to locate my signal?

Desmond:*📞* Okay, son. Make sure you stay silence. Do you hear me?!

Jayden: Yes I do. Please come find me.

Desmond:*📞* Okay.

[He hang up, I felt my heart beating so fast but I ignored it. I heard steps and I knew it was the guy who was chasing me. He had a flashlight, I was thinking to myself that he would probably climb into one of the trees]

Sean: Where are you, boy? I know you are somewhere. You can't hide from me, you little shit... Zack, Dyson, I lost him. I don't know where the hell he is.

Zack:*📞* God damn, that boy is so fast. I'm surprised he's not out of breathe. Come back where we had those 2 guys. You'll be able to catch him later. Because that... the man who killed Sam, you were chasing one of his sons.

I wanna kill Desmond for killing Sam. Even his wife and children, but we must do everything we can to defeat them and kill them. Understand me, Sean?

Sean: Yes. I'm coming back.

[He ran... I sighed in relief, hoping he was gone. Until I heard someone saying my name, it was my father and my brothers and sisters]

Desmond: Oh, Jayden! Your okay!

Jayden: Dad! Oh my gosh! I was so scared I ran I fast as I can, I was hiding in that tree to keep myself safe.

Ethan: My little bro, you are alright!

Lydia: What happened?

Jayden: The guy who was chasing me, his name was Sean. And the person he was talking to on the phone was this guy name Zack and the other was Dyson I think. I overheard what he was saying.

He said he was gonna kill you, Mom, even us. I'm so scared, Dad. I don't wanna lose you-

Desmond: Hey, listen to me, all of you. Whatever happens, I will make sure I am there to save you all, especially your mother.

Ethan's POV
[Jayden was weeping while hugging our dad. Lydia's eyes were watering but she wasn't crying. I wanted to ask our dad what happened before us]

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