New Enemies

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Desmond's POV
[We all drove back home. Janice was relieved to see us okay. We were able to bring my cousins home, and let them stay for the night, and going back home in the morning]

Janice: Thank goodness, you all are okay!

Mia: Mom, we can't bring Jayden again. This guy was chasing him but he got away. Jay, you stay home with Mom. I feel like it would be dangerous to take you anywhere.

Logan: That fight was amazing. Right?

Ethan: Yes.

Janice: My eldest son, may I talk to you for a moment?

Ethan: Yes, Mother.

Ethan's POV
[I followed my mother to the dinner table and sat down]

Janice: You seem to respect your father and me, I'm proud of you. And I am so proud that you are looking out for your siblings, especially Jayden.

Ethan: Thank you, Mom. I do what I have to do. I know I have responsibilities, I just need to do what I have to do.

Lydia: Mom, someone is at the door.

Janice: On it.

Janice's POV
[I went to the door and opened it to see a dude where a white shirt with a black leather jacket, and jeans with chains on the side]

D'Angelo: Hello, you must be Desmond's significant other.

Janice: How do you-

Desmond: J, you can go.

D'Angelo: Desmond.

Desmond: D'Angelo, its been a while since I last seen you, I'm sorry I couldn't save you.

D'Angelo: That's alright. Killed Sam's whole cartel, hmm?

Desmond: Yes, I did. Everyone who has captured by him, they are free.

Mia: Dad, who is this?

D'Angelo: How many kids do you have?

Desmond: Five kids. Come in the living... ALL OF YOU, please come down.

Lydia: What is it?

Jayden: Better be good.

Ethan: OH please, Jay.

Desmond: Everyone, I want you to meet my friend, D'Angelo. We have been friends since 13 years old.

Logan: That long? Dang. You guys must have a good friendship.

D'Angelo: Its good to know Desmond's kids.

Ethan: I'm Ethan.

Logan: My name is Logan.

Mia: I'm Mia.

Lydia: I am Lydia

Jayden: Jayden, but I go by Jay.

D'Angelo: Such great names you all have.

Mia: Dad, I'm gonna go on a run. And its 3:30.

Desmond: Go ahead, and be safe. Remember what I told you.

Mia: I'll remember.

Mia's POV
[I got my running uniform on and got some water to take with me. As soon as I walked out of the house, I started running. I was run for probably a couple of minutes. Until then... I was harassed by 3 men]

Man 1: Hey, lady. You look sweet.

Mia: OH, What?

Man 2: Do you like anyone?

Mia: Leave me alone.

Man 3: What are you gonna do about it?

Mia: Do not touch me!

[I punched them in the face as hard as I could. It was good that I gave him a bloody nose]

Man 2: OH, damn.

Mia: Dont you ever touch me again. Who's next?

Man 3: Let's get out of here.

Mia: Well thats a way of putting it. I'm just gonna head home.

[I walked back home. But at least I got to get them away from me. My parents would be wondering why I came back so early]

Janice: What happened? Are you okay?

Mia: Mom, I'm fine.

Desmond: No you are not, you need to tell me what had happened.

Mia: I was running for like 10 minutes away from here until 3 men harassed me. I was able to get away, by punching one of them.

Desmond: At least, you are safe. You had to make a choice, Mia. And you know better. Please go get rest.

Mia: I will, Daddy.

D'Angelo: Damn, I can't believe that happened. I'm gonna go head home, Desmond. Call me if you need anything.

Desmond: Thank you, D'Angelo. Goodbye.

D'Angelo: See you.

Desmond's POV
[He left the house. I was really happy to see my old friend who I wasn't able to save a long time ago. But its good to reunited with them]

Janice: Friendship can last forever.

Desmond: Yes, my love. Ethan, can you come down here please?

Ethan: What is it, Dad.

Desmond: Make sure your sister is doing okay. Mia. She told me that she was harassed by 3 men. But she was able to get them off.

Ethan: I will.

Ethan's POV
[I went upstairs to check on Mia to see if she was alright. But as soon as I touched the doorknob, I randomly broke it with my hands, with electric]

Ethan: What the?!.... I broke the doorknob...

Mia: What is going... Ethan, are you okay?

Ethan: I'm okay, Mia.

Mia: How did you break the doorknob?

Ethan: I... I don't know... I was gonna open the door but when I touched it, electric just came out of my hands. Look.

[I took some time, I was holding it to prove Mia. For 30 seconds, it did the same thing]

Mia: OH, my gosh! We have to tell Dad! Come on!

Ethan: Mia, he will freak out.

Mia: There's no option, come on. We have to tell him about this.

Lydia: Whats going on.... Ethan, you broke a doorknob?

Ethan: I uh.

Jayden: Dear, lord.

Logan: Let's just let Dad know. Come on!

Ethan: OH, brother.

[We all ran downstairs to show our parents, I still had the broken doorknob in my left hand]

Janice: What is it? Ethan, are you okay?

Ethan: Yes I am. I broke the doorknob... by doing this.

Desmond: Show me.

[I grip it. I waited for a few seconds until I did it again]

Janice: OH, my.

Desmond: Mother of God, holy cow.

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