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Steven's POV
[We dragged her home. We had tape over her mouth so she will shut up. Ethan doesn't know that we do this to girls like her. But I am sure he won't know for sure]

Nina: Ow.

Steven: Shut the fuck up!

???: Steven, who is this?

Steven: Um, this is my girlfriend, Mom. Don't worry about it. Can me and my friends go upstairs with her?

???: Sure?

Steven: Come on.

[I knew what we were about to do to her, and I am sure she was getting scared. She knows.

We got to the room and I threw her on the bed, Nina was getting scared, that her face went white. Slammed the door]

Nina: Please! Let me go! Please. I beg you guys to let me go! PLEASE!

Steven: We're not gonna let you go, Nina. For instance, I never mention to him that I like you. Really. And for the sake of this, I've done this to many girls, and I enjoyed it. I am really sure you will enjoy this.

Nina: No! Please! Let me go, or I'm telling Ethan about you guys.

Antonio: You little shit.

Steven: Leave then

Mia's POV
[I wanted to ask my dad about Archery. I was really into Archery, the bows, the arrows. It seemed fun to do. I went downstairs to ask my dad if he can teach me]

Mia: Um, Dad.

Desmond: Yes, Mia?

Mia: I'm really interested in Archery. And I was wondering if you could teach me.

Desmond: Sure. That sounds fun. I'll start making your bow and arrows.

Mia: Thank you, Daddy.

[I hugged him. He was the best person I knew for my entire life]

Mia: Come with me to the living room. Please.

Desmond: Alright.

Janice: What is going on?

Desmond: Would like me to tell you guys a story?

Mia: Yes! Guys! Dad and Mom are going to tell us a story.

Ethan: Ooh. I'm in for it.

Lydia: Me too.

Jayden: This is gonna be amazing!

Desmond: Are you gonna sit like that?

Ethan: Yeah. I'm fine with it.

Desmond: I'm going to tell you, when I was 16, and Aunt Eva was 13. We climb a mountain to look at a view that I wanted to show her.

All: Ooh.

Janice: That sounds exciting, sweetheart.

Ethan: Who was with you? Or was it just Auntie?

Desmond: It was me, Aunt Eva, Uncle Connor, and Uncle Emmett. Your Uncle Emmett was getting tired. But we kept pushing it, so he stayed with us. It was kinda scary. But we made it.

Lydia: Can you take us? Tomorrow?

Desmond: What do you think, Janice?

Janice: I am in for it.

Logan: Yay!

Jayden: Thanks, Dad.

Mia: Haha. Yeah!

Desmond's POV
[The time with my five kids, was amazing. And with Janice, it was even better. I justed wanted them to be safe and sound. I love my family no matter what]

Janice: Alright, kids-

Ethan: Wait. Can I take these guys to visit Uncle Connor?

Jayden: Please, Mom and Dad.

Desmond: I'm trusting you on this one. Go ahead.

Ethan's POV
[We all got into the car and we drove off to our uncle's house]

Desmond's POV
[It was just me and Janice alone at the house for now. We gave our kids 2 hours to come home for dinner]

Janice: So... we give them two hours at least. What now?

Desmond: Follow me...

[Later on during the day]

Ethan's POV
[We got in the car and drove to our aunt's house. It was only 1 hour away

35 minutes on the way there. Someone crashed into us. The car flipped over and everyone was screaming and getting scared. We drove into the lake, and the car was siking. We were able to ourselves out of there in no time]


Mia: Yeah.

Jayden: I'm okay. Come on, we have to take the bus to get to Auntie Eva's, or we're in trouble-

Chris: GOTCHA!

Jayden: *AHH*

Chris: Got you.


Zack: Well, well, well. Look who we have here. I also brought a guest for you, oldest son of Desmond.

[One of his men were holding Vincent in handcuffs, holding him by his arms]

Vincent: Ethan!

Sean: Ooh.


Zack: Children of Desmond and Janice. Well, well, well. This is just the beginning. All of you guys, are coming with me. Until your parents save you.

Ethan: NOO! LET GO!

Jayden: Get off us, you dipshits!

To be continued
Taking a break from the disappearance. I'll do it after I do this

Left Abandoned: New Enemies AheadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora