Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three


The atmosphere the next day was nothing short of manic. The entire stronghold from the knights down to the kitchen milk maids were preparing for the oncoming battle. The forge was filled to capacity, the sound of clanging metal and the bubble and hiss of hot metal in water filled the air before the sun had even properly risen.

Lune woke early and was surprised to see Jason already dressing, the rider's face grim. Jason hadn't yet shaved, his jaws shadowed with a rough growth of auburn hair. He had heavy circles under his eyes that seemed to age him half a dozen years. Lune sat up, the blankets pooling at his waist. Jason looked over at him and forced a weak smile that didn't carry to the man's worried eyes.

Damon was still snoring, the yoru's arm thrown over Lune's hips. Jason leant down and pressed a gentle kiss to Lune's cheek. Wanting to offer some comfort to the man, Lune rubbed his cheek against Jason's, nuzzling him much as he would if Jason were a distressed dragon. The man's scruff itched a little. Jason let out a slow heavy sigh and reached over to give Damon's shoulder a shake.

'Get up Damon, we need to prepare like everyone else,' Jason said in a voice as tired as his face. The larger dragon grunted and cracked one eye open. Lune saw the bloodshot gaze drift to the glass windows and then back at his master.

'The fucking sun isn't even up yet,' he snarled as a response. Jason turned without answering and began pulling on his boots. Lune slipped his robe over his head and followed Jason to the low breakfast table. Jason rang a bell to summon something for them to eat whilst Damon, swearing and grumbling, dragged himself out of bed.

'What is going to happen today?' Lune asked softly. Jason reached out a hesitant hand and Lune took it in his smaller ones.

'Both of you will go back to the stables and be checked over by a medic to make sure you are healthy and fit to fight. Damon needs to have his armour and gear fitted,' explained Jason. There was a light knock on the door and Damon strode over to accept a tray of food from a panting servant.

Undoubtedly the boy was running to and from the kitchens to be sure the knights were fed and watered before they started what was to be a long day. Damon carried the tray back to the table, handing out bread and butter as Jason gratefully took up a cup of strong dark coffee. Lune sniffed at it curiously.

'Don't even think about it. I can't even imagine you drinking coffee,' Jason said flatly as Lune peered at the cup.

'I dunno, might be kind of fun,' Damon sniggered before biting into a sausage.

'Is it not good to drink?' Lune asked, his little nose wrinkling.

'Not exactly. It helps me stay awake, but it would be far too strong for you, and I don't need you bouncing off the walls,' Jason exclaimed sternly.

Lune blinked. 'I've never seen you bounce,' Lune said, confused. Damon choked on his food, snorting with laughter. Jason sighed. He took Lune's chin in his hand and pulled the little dragon close for a soft kiss that ended Damon's mocking sniggers.

'It's a figure of speech love,' Jason said softly as he pulled away. Lune was pink in the cheeks. He had a faintly dazed look in his lavender eyes and Jason couldn't help but kiss him again, loving the way the younger male went soft and pliant under his touch. When he drew back, Lune's blush had deepened to crimson.

'Eat your food,' Jason coaxed gently, nodding to the bread in Lune's hand. Lune buttered his bread and ate with more of an appetite. He was keenly aware of Damon's hooded gaze. What was more, he could feel Damon's keen interest. Since their bonding the night before, the link the three shared seemed to have strengthened. They ate in a comfortable silence, absorbed in each other's company and contentment.

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