Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two


The three knights had barely clattered down into the courtyard before they were surrounded. The panic on his squire's face was enough to have Jason out of the saddle before the boy could stutter out a word.

'Something has happened, what is it? Is Lune alright?' Jason barked, Damon's head whipping around to watch. Fredrick was shouting for a medic even as his own squire was trying to make his way over. Kyril landed as far away as he could get from Vulkan. He had flown behind them the entire way. It was an insult, to assume that Vulkan would be disloyal to Fredrick and attack another rider, but Kyril had never trusted any dragon, even his own.

'Lune is with the king,' George stuttered. The words turned Jason's blood to ice. He stared down at his squire in horror. Behind him, Damon starting to growl.


'The king has called a meeting. You as well as Sir Fredrick and Sir Kyril must bring your dragons and-'

'Hang on a bloody minute! My dragon needs medical attention! I'm not leaving him,' Fredrick boomed. The two squires were white in the face and shaking, plainly terrified. To Jason's surprise, Kyril seemed to be looking paler himself.

'Surely a moment to change-' Kyril stammered, sounding nothing like his usual arrogant self. Jason heard the sound of heavy boots and looked left to see Gabe striding towards them, his face grim and his arms full of robes for Damon, Vulkan and Nibui.

'No changing. The king was specific, he wants the three of you to go to the hall, now,' Gabe rumbled.

'Gabe, what is this about?' Jason asked. Gabe shook his head.

'No idea lad. I saw him walking Lune from the stables. He had the boy transform.' This was more unwelcome news.

Each knight was magically bound to their dragon. A dragon could only be forced to shift under the permission or instruction of their particular knight. The only exception to that rule was the king himself who was old enough and powerful to force the old magics to his will and command another's dragon. Jason could only pray Lune was alright.

Damon was already making the shift to human form, but Fredrick was shaking his head.

'I can't have Vulkan shift, he's exhausted and injured,' the man growled. Gabe nodded.

'We'll have the healers take him back to his stall,' Gabe agreed. Vulkan moved about restlessly. His wings were sagging all the way to the ground, but the beast's eyes were wide and concerned. The massive reptile didn't want to leave his human with the king. Fredrick snorted and gave the reptile's muzzle a pat.

'I'll be alright you big lump. Just go rest up,' Fredrick grunted.

'What happened to his collar?' one of the squires asked. Several of the crowd drew back at this, perhaps only realising for the first time that Vulkan was untethered.

'No time. Tell us later,' Gabe snapped, and marched towards the massive doors. Damon was pulling on the robe Gabe had handed to him. Jason waited for him and then followed the old knight inside.


Jason breathed a deep aching sigh of relief at the sight of Lune. The Kagame was gorgeous, pale skinned and silver haired with his bright lilac doe eyes and the long robe hanging off his small frame. He had been standing next to the king looking very nervous. He seemed unharmed and at the sight of Jason and Damon, he sprinted over on bare feet. Damon wrapped both arms around his mate and hugged him tight, snuffing at his soft hair.

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