Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen


Lune followed along behind the party of humans. Damon was permitted to come too but Vulkan was ordered to remain behind in the field. At first the male looked annoyed by this, but the warm sun and soft grass seemed to be alluring enough to quieten the grumbling. The large dragon curled up and rested his head on his front claws, red eyes fixed avidly on Lune as the young dragon followed Jason through the gates.

'Did you know anything about a message?' Lune heard Jason utter in an undertone. The other knight shook his head.

'Nay, if one was sent, it didn't make it to the keep. This situation is getting stranger by the day,' Fredrick grunted. Lune could smell the fear in the sweat of the other men. Faces peered at them from behind curtains and shutters as they walked into the town.

'Sir, our village relies heavily on our sheep for our wool trade as well as the meat. The loss-'

'We understand the financial implications. What we need from you is a list to the best of your ability of how many sheep were taken, ewes, rams, and such. The king will issue reimbursement to you,' Jason explained calmly. His low deep voice and calm temperament seemed to sooth the flushed mayor. The red blotches receded a little from the man's patchy cheeks and he bowed low.

'Thank you, sirs, thank you very kindly,' he stuttered. Lune wasn't sure what to make of this. As he looked about the town, he did notice how well kept it seemed. The cobblestone streets were neat. Half wine barrels full of plants sat outside little shops, flowers spilling out in colourful blooms. The cottage houses looked old but well cared for. He sniffed appreciatively at the scent of fresh breads and pastries coming from a bakery near the town square. In the centre of the town was a small garden featuring a towering flagpole in its centre, the Sun King's crest flapping merrily in the light wind.

'We appreciate the king taking our situation so seriously to send two of his best knights,' the mayor went on, mopping at his face with a piece of lacy cloth drawn from inside his coat.

'We need to see the fields that were affected. Were there any witnesses? Blood in the field?' Fredrick asked, making the mayor pause.

'No one saw the dragons as such, but we heard an awful screaming. There were lights in the sky above the field. The young boys were dead before we could reach them, their bodies burned almost beyond recognition. The boys' mothers are quite inconsolable,' the man said solemnly. The two knights nodded sympathetically.

'You go with the man to the field with your beasts. I'll go through the town and try to find out if anyone new has come to stay recently,' Fredrick murmured. Jason nodded. For such a large man, Fredrick moved stealthily. As they turned a corner, he slid off from the group and disappeared up a side street. It was a while before the mayor noticed the other knight was gone.

'He needed to return to his dragon. He will join us again shortly,' Jason said smoothly. The man looked nervous and rather unhappy about this, but as Sir Fredrick had already disappeared there wasn't much he could do about it. Lune wondered why Jason hadn't just told the truth.

At the moment, the townsfolk think a wild dragon did this. To tell them a rider from another region was involved would cause a panic. Remember, there hasn't been a war between the kingdoms in over a hundred years, Damon said quietly over their mental link.

But isn't it dangerous not to tell them? Lune asked back curiously. The mayor was talking to Jason, one of the older townsmen joining in the conversation.

Arguably not. These people are not soldiers. There are no dragon riders living here to defend the town at all hours. Their best course of action would be to continue with everyday life and not draw attention to themselves... Damon had to be careful as they walked. He kept his wings tucked in tight and his tail still so that he didn't accidently knock into any of the buildings. Lune glanced back at him a few times. The short, measured steps looked very uncomfortable. He gave a rumbling sympathetic chur.

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