i (dont) wanna be saveddd

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Constant sounds of keyboard clicks made Pigsy's eyebrow twitch, after a few minutes of this he couldn't take it anymore.

"WOULD YA STOP IT WITH THAT? I'm losin' my mind over here! Why can't ya put some focus like that on your job!" Pigsy cursed up a storm as he pointed the spoon at Mk.

"Huh...sure...sure," Mk mumbled as he kept his eyes glued to the screen. Pigsy's face turned redder than a tomato as he chucked the spoon at the boy, who didn't even bother to dodge.

"OW-! Hey!" Mk glared at Pigsy. "Why'd you hit me?"

"Why? You're really askin' me that? You've been on that phone for damn near two hours already!"

"Oh...about that," Mk's glare switched into a frown as he glanced off to the side, his shoulders dropping as he rested his chin on the table. "I'm just worried...she wouldn't ignore me for this long..."

Pigsy's expression softened, he crossed his arms over his chest and huffed. "She still hasn't said anything?"

"It's been two months! I'm kinda scared that something happened to her," Mk stressed as he combed a hand through his hair. Mk did not know why you hadn't contacted him, even after he texted you an apology for not arriving in time. Heck, he even called you non-stop for the past couple of weeks.


Mk gasped as he jumped out of his seat, "WHAT IF SHE WAS KIDNAPPED? GAH! WHY HAVEN'T I THOUGHT OF THIS?"

"Psst, you think that's-...and he's gone," Pigsy rubbed his temple. Tang whistled a tune as he walked inside, causing Pigsy to groan as another headache started to form.


Mk arrived at your apartment quicker than Pigsy could yell at him to do his job.

"[Y/n]? Come on open up!" Mk knocked. "I'll give you five seconds, okay?! One....two...-"


Mk slowly peered into the hole he made in the door, pressed his hand against it, and entered the apartment.

He cautiously tipped toed inside, careful not to disturb anything as he examined any signs of a struggle or break-in (other than the one he created).

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