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Ok I just want to clarify something: I messed up Menma, Memory and Houki's ages early on. I meant for Menma and Memory to be 15, with a chunin status, so their world's Boruto and Sarada would be around the same age as them in canon. Houki, as a year older, is 16 and recommended for Jounin. Hope that clears things up.

Menma hated being cooped up. He needed to be moving, to be fighting, to feel at ease. So three days after the whole Hokage Office fiasco, he was ecstatic to find out Team 7 was going on a mission, which meant that they had to bring Menma, Memory and Houki along too. Well, even if Naruto said no, Menma would still find a way to be on the mission. So he was relieved when Boruto dragged him along with this world's Team 7 to the gates of Konoha, describing the mission in low tones.

"There's a guy named Code who has been running amok lately, trying to finish Isshiki's mission - whatever that was - and Team 7 has been tasked with following up on some of the damage he's caused," Boruto explained. "Mr Shikamaru and Dad believe the seven of us up to task."

"So we're going after Code himself?" Menma asked. Boruto only sighed.

"No. Not too long ago, Sarada, Mitsuki, Kawaki and I fought one of the Kara, Boro, and defeated him. Sarada chidori'ed his ass," he added proudly. "Anyway, Boro had this whole cult thing going on, which Code apparently destroyed-."

"And we want to make sure that information is correct," Sarada finished, propping her glasses up.

"Hey, I was explaining, dattebasa!"

"Oh well, baka."

"Shut up, you two," Memory snapped irritably. Houki stood behind her, looking like he wanted to be anywhere else.

Also because I don't feel like explaining stuff, Memory stayed with Sarada and her parents, Menma stayed at the Uzumaki household, and Houki stayed at the Naara's.

The group fell silent, and lulled into a peaceful waiting. Soon Mitsuki arrived, and then Konohamaru. Menma couldn't wait anymore.

"Let's go!" He cried cheerfully.

"Hold up," Konohamaru said, arms crossed. "We have one more member to wait for."

"Who?" Menma asked immediately.

"Probably another jounin to keep an eye on us," Houki muttered.

"Not just any other jounin," Konohamaru responded. "It's-."

"Sorry I'm late."

"Dad?!" Sarada yelped.

"Hell yeah!" Boruto chirped, pumping a fist into the air as Sasuke appeared in front of their group. "Mr Sasuke, you're accompanying us?!"

Sasuke released a long - suffering sigh.

"I am, for two reasons, one of which you can guess."

"To keep an eye on them," Mitsuki pointed at the otherworlders. Sasuke nodded.

"What's the other reason?" Boruto asked eagerly. Sasuke just shook his head.



"Ok, so now that everyones here, can we go??" Menma demanded. Memory rolled her eyes at his antics, a smile playing on her face. Konohamaru nodded, looking worn out already. Menma grinned his signature grin, grabbed Houki and Memory, and darted out of the Leaf village.


A few hours later.

Walking beside Kawaki, Boruto kept an eye on the dimension travelers, not entirely sure what to think about them. Yes, he'd just been living with Menma for 3 days, but he didn't really know the kid. Or teen, really. The fact that Menma acted so childishly, and yet could be strangely serious at times always threw Boruto off. It was like Menma was a mix of Sarada and himself. Then, of course, he blushed. Sarada won't like you like that, idiot. Did it matter that in Menma's world, he was Sarada's sibling? A little, but Boruto was never one to get caught on the details.

"Oi, Boruto," Kawaki's gruff voice broke him out of his spiralling thoughts.

"Hmm? What is it dattebasa?"

Kawaki shoved his hands into his pockets, looking wary.

"My karma is sensing something strange."

Boruto stopped and looked down at Kawaki's hand. Sure enough, the black karma lines were rising and fading around his wrist. Boruto glanced down at his own hand, mildly surprised to see the arching black lines bursting out of the diamond mark.

"We need to stop," Menma said, suddenly appearing at Boruto's side. Boruto, as an experienced ninja, did not jump. He totally did not.

"I agree," Kawaki was frowning, eyes scanning around. By now, the rest of the group had noticed Boruto and Kawaki's slowing pace, and had stopped walking.

"Boruto, why are you slowing down?" Sarada asked, concerned. Memory clicked her fingers, drawing attention.

"Menma, can you feel that?"

Menma nodded.

"What's going on you two?" Konohamaru asked. Sasuke seemed to have already realised the problem.

"Your karma shouldn't be activated. Aren't you taking those pills?" He asked, eye unreadable. Sarada and Mistuki both looked at Boruto's hand, where the karma had now expanded.

"It's not Momoshiki," Kawaki held up his own hand. "Mine's moving too."

Boruto saw Memory activate her byakugan, pale eyes scanning their surroundings. Then she stiffened.

"Mem'?" Menma grabbed her arm. "Is it-."


Houki, understanding this strange exchange, cursed. "We need to move. Now."

Konohamaru didn't protest, looking at Sasuke who nodded, his blood red sharingan spinning. Their group leaped into the trees just as an explosion rocked the ground behind them. Gaping, Boruto saw a dark figure with glowing white eyes. 

I hope this is ok :) 

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