Chapter 52 - Dante's POV

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Warning: smut

I've never been more nervous than I am right now. Charlotte's family fills the front few rows on one side of the church while my men fill the other. Some of her friends, from college and clubs and growing up, sit in the rows behind her family. My mom and dad sit side by side, my mother dabbing at her eyes with her handkerchief.

My brows furrow as my gaze travels over her head. Directly behind my mother, in a crème dress, is that neighbor girl my father had brought up. Did he fly her here? Just to show up at my wedding and rattle me?

I look over my surroundings quickly before pulling out my phone. I send a quick text to Luca; second row on the right. Make her disappear.

I keep my gaze on her, honestly I'm not even sure what her name is. But I recognize her and I can always recognize when my dad is playing mind games.

I let out a breath of relief as Gio appears. He strides right over to her and drops his head to whisper in her ear. She opens her mouth to speak but he simply grabs her bicep and drags her out the side door.

Just as my nerves begin to settle about that, Charlotte floats through my mind again.

Fuck. What if she changes her mind? What if she takes Sophie up on her, not so secretive, offer to run? What if when she finally tells her mom, she convinces Charlotte to leave? Fuck.

The thoughts are only barely quelled as music begins to play. Victoria comes down the aisle first followed closely by Sophie. Elle and Ryan are next, holding hands as they walk down the aisle. The music changes.

I can't breathe. I can't think. Shit, I'm not even sure if I'm awake right now because fuck, she's glowing.

Her dress is perfect. It's not gaudy or over the top like most mafia weddings. It's soft and flowing and covered in small flowers and it's her. There's only one word in my head and as her mom kisses her cheek and offers her to me, I voice it at no more than a whisper.


Charlotte smiles, the smile that makes my knees weak, and I take her hands into mine. I can feel my eyes watering as the priest begins the service. I can't be bothered to pay attention to him though because I swear, if I so much as blink, she'll disappear.

"Sir," the priest clears his throat, forcing my focus. "Your vows?"

I nod, take a deep breath, and look Charlotte in the eye, "Dolcezza means sweetness. And that's what you are. I've lived my entire life with a bitter taste in my mouth. The danger, the lies, the secrets, the expectations. It made me cold. But then I met you. For the first time in my life, I was distracted. You made me break every rule that's been put in place and I haven't regretted any of it for a second. I promise to spend the rest of my life protecting you and giving you everything the world has to offer. There is no destination too far, no price too high, no demand too unreasonable. You will want for nothing until my dying breath. I love you, Charlotte, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

I watch as tears rim her eyes and give her hand a reassuring squeeze. She chews on her lip for a beat, trying to push down her tears, before clearing her throat.

"Dante, you have changed my life in the best possible way. The bigger picture doesn't matter to me because that's not what I fell in love with. I fell in love with the little things. The way you only call me by my full name. Or how you pay attention to every single detail. Or the way your dimples pop out and your eyes sparkle when you get excited about something. Those are the things I will always love about you and I'm sure that list will only grow. I will do everything in my power to be the wife you deserve until the day I die. I love you, Dante."

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