Chapter 51

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Butterflies roar in my chest as I sit down where the makeup woman gestures to. I'm marrying Dante today, in about two hours actually, and I'm beyond nervous. My hands have been shaking all morning to the point where I had to give up on drinking my daily coffee.

The bedroom is filled with movement. Dante had Ryan flown in last night and he's currently getting his tie straightened out by my mom. She's stationed herself on the chaise at the foot of the bed. Sophie's here too, right beside me getting her own makeup done. Victoria should be here soon with Elle as well.

As women begin to fawn over my hair and makeup, I take a shaky breath. I've been pushing something off for a while now. Something that could ruin a very important relationship. Telling my mom the truth about Dante.

I have no idea how she's going to react. Sophie reacted far better than I was expecting but I can't say the same for my mother. She's overprotective which is to be expected when the man you married turned out to be a thieving drunk but still. I don't even know how to begin asking her to accept this.

"You still sure you want to do this?" Sophie asks quietly.

"Yeah," I breathe out, eyes still closed as the professionals do their magic.

"My offer still stands," Sophie continues, "if you want to run, I'll run with you."

"I want to marry him," I reply firmly.

"Hey, don't get upset," Sophie snarks. "This is my duty as your best friend."

"I know," I laugh lightly. "And I appreciate you."

"You better," she mutters. I bite back my smile in an attempt to keep still.

The woman doing my makeup steps away and I finally open my eyes. Holy shit. I look like a fucking goddess. Shimmering gold around my eyes and glossy lips. A soft pink blush on my cheeks and full lashes. My hair falls freely down my back in perfect curls.

"Oh my god," my mom gasps, "you are so beautiful, Charlie."

"Thanks, mom," I smile at her.

I stride over to the small pedestal that has been set up in the middle of my bedroom. A floor to ceiling mirror stands right in front of it and the smiling seamstress begins to unzip the bag holding my dress. The door handle rattles and just as I'm about to say it's Victoria, loud pounding hits the door.

"Open up," Gio demands. "I have something for you."

Before I can take a step, Sophie swings open the door. She puts her hands on her hips and looks him up and down, blocking his pathway.

"Who the hell are you?" Sophie asks.

Gio quirks a brow, "who the hell are you?"

I watch the two of them in amusement. Sophie doesn't back down and Gio is still waiting in the hallway. Ryan brushes past and shoves Sophie out of his way.

"Hi Gio," he tilts his head back to look at the giant of a man.

"What's up, il omino?" Gio crouches down slightly.
(Little man)

"Where's Elle?" Ryan blurts his question right out. Gio's gaze snaps to me and he raises his brows. I offer a one shouldered shrug; I don't think broadcasting Ryan's little crush will do any good.

"She'll be here soon," Gio rises to his full height. "I have to give your sister something though."

"What is it?" Ryan pushes up on his toes to see the wooden box in Gio's hands.

"You'll see," Gio grins in response. Sophie finally turns on her heel and walks away, letting Gio enter.

He crosses the room quickly and opens the box. Inside sits a sparkling crown with a matching necklace and earrings. The jewels are huge, diamonds and what I believe to be pink sapphires. It's a gorgeous set. And it had to have cost half a fortune.

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