Chapter 12: Sakura Kisses

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Chapter 12: Sakura Kisses

Miyano Pov

"Oh, Mya-chan, I brought these!"

They were unpacking their things after lunch, and Miyano turned to his boyfriend to see him pulling out goodie bags that he recognized were from his family's bakery.

"What's that?"

"They're treats I made for you! There's cream bread and cookies." He handed the bags to him, and just like all the times before, a warmth settled in his stomach and awakened all the butterflies.

"Thank you, I really like them." The omega told him sincerely, and Sasaki made that pleased giggle sound that Miyano adored.

"I'm glad."

Miyano set the baked treats down on the table and then immediately turned to embrace his mate. The warmth spread throughout his chest, and his heart beat faster as the smell of sweet citrus enveloped him.

"Mya-chan..." Sasaki whispered, wrapping his arms around him until they were snug together.

Sasaki's longer limbs trapped him there, and Miyano thought there was no other place he'd rather be.

It was a few minutes they stayed like that, listening to the sounds of their heartbeats and songbirds outside.

"I just wanna stay like this forever..." Sasaki murmured as he leaned more of his weight on him.

Miyano smiled at his big alpha. "Can't. Hirano and Kuresawa have a whole schedule planned for the pack."

Sasaki groaned. "Of course those two would get together to make a schedule while we're on vacation!"

Miyano laughed. "Well, it does help us all spend time together. Apparently there's a lot to do in this town, and we are here almost a whole week..."

"Fine, fine." Sasaki grumbled and sighed. "What's the schedule look like?"

They pulled away slightly, and Miyano got out his phone to show him. "They just put it in the group chat. Apparently Ogasawara-senpai had the same reaction as you."

Sasaki smiled. "Doesn't surprise me. There's a reason we've been able to put up with each other for so long."

Miyano went to finish unpacking. "How long have you two known each other?"

"First year of middle school. We were the delinquents and had detention - go figure." Sasaki seemed in high spirits as he recounted it. "We ended up bonding over hating a specific teacher, and then music. The guy really started changing for the better after he met Yokota in our second year. It was always so weird seeing them so in love because I had no idea what it felt like..."

When he trailed off, Miyano looked back at him to see the orange-haired teen gazing at him so tenderly that Miyano could feel his heart flop down into his stomach.

"Well, until I met you and found the love of my life."

Miyano wanted to cry at the wall of pure love that knocked into him at such tender words. "If you don't stop I'll kiss you."

"Oh? Then maybe I'll keep going~"

"No, no, how about if you stop I'll give you one?"

Sasaki laughed. "Deal."

Red-faced already, Miyano walked back to him and kneeled down to where he sat next to his suitcase. He placed his hands on his shoulders to help steady him so he could lean in closer.

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