Finding Dear Brother

Start from the beginning

Tom: Mm-mm

Joel: It uh, uses the river's movement and turns it into electricity

Ellie: How's it do that?

Tom: Uh, see those turbines?

Ellie: Uh-huh

Tom: It uses the water and pushes it down to a generator and in turn spins a turbine to generate electricity... got that? It's kind of confusing

Ellie: I think I do

Tom: Good. 'Cause that's the best way I could explain it

Ellie giggles 

Ellie: How are we getting across?

Joel turns the crank, only turning half of the bridge

Ellie: Well, that gets us halfway. If we get the other one up, we'll make it across

Tom: I think I can jump it

He walks to the edge and feels his side

Tom:(exhales) Okay

Ellie: Careful!

Tom: I will!

He gets a running start and leaps over the gap and stumbles onto the other side, almost keeling over but he regains himself and turns the rest of the bridge over. Joel and Ellie come across and high fives Tommy but Ellie wraps her arms around the back of his neck and kisses his cheek

Joel: Good job

Ellie: You okay? Saw you stumble a little

Tom: Ah, it's nothin'. Just might've overdone it

She looks at him worriedly and they continue on to find a dirt mound with a teddy bear on it

Joel: That's too small of a grave

Tommy sighs and kneels in front of the grave and plays with the teddy bear for a bit before tying it onto the grave so the wind doesn't take it. He then grabs a flower out from his bag and sticks it into the dirt

Tom: You deserve better than this

He caresses the dirt mound and hears Ellie

Ellie: Tommy, we forgot to leave that stupid robot on his grave. What should we do with it?

Tom: I-I don't know, El

Joel: Ellie

Ellie: What? I want to talk about it

Joel: No

Ellie: Why not?

Joel: How many times do we need to go over this? Things happen... and we move on

Ellie: It's just--

Tom: Ellie, please, that's enough

Ellie:... I'm sorry

Joel: Let's get to Tommy's

Tommy nods and stands up, going to Ellie and cupping her cheeks

Tom: You okay?

Ellie: Y-yes... just after what happened to Sam, I'm afraid of that happening to you too. I mean, our luck has to run out sooner or later, right? I'm immune and you're not... that means if you get bitten, then I-I'll be all alone. I don't want to lose you, Tommy

She said, her lip quivering as tears begin to well up in her eyes but Tommy brings her into his embrace tightly

Tom: And you won't lose me, Ellie. It's not gonna happen to me, I'll always be here with you

Ellie: Promise?

Tom: Promise

Ellie smiles and moves her face slowly closer to Tommy's with her lips pursed but they hear Joel

Joel: Hey c'mon, you two! You can ogle each other when we get there

Ellie blushes and they catch up to Joel

Ellie: Auggh, I'm so hungry

Joel: I know. I am too

Tommy pulls out a half eaten biscuit and hands it to Ellie

Ellie: But aren't you hungry?

Tom: Ah, I'll be alright

Ellie: Thanks, Tommy, you're the best

Tom: Wouldn't go that far

Ellie giggles and chows down

Joel: When was the last time you ate something', kiddo

Tom: Uhh, 'bout a couple days ago, I thunk

Ellie: What?!

Tom: What?

Ellie: Are you not starving?!

Tom: El, it's alright

Ellie: No, it's not!

Joel: Now, you know Tess, wouldn't be happy with you not eating right?

Tom: Yeah, I know

Ellie: That's it. Next time, I see a squirrel I'm totally shooting it for you

Tom: Don't know, if you'd wanna shoot it, you'll mess up the meat. You need to use a bow

Ellie: Okay, genius

The trio go around the dam but the road leading out is blocked 

Tom: Fuck

Ellie: Uh... should we head in?

Joel: Ain't no way around. Gonna have to cut through the plant

He tries to open the large doors, but survivors with guns appear. Tommy and Ellie quickly aim up at them

Woman: Don't even think about reaching for your weapon. Tell the kid's to drop theirs, now

Tommy tilts his head at the blonde lady barking out orders

She looks familiar

Joel: Kids, do as the lady says

Ellie: Okay

Tommy drops his pistol with Ellie

Woman: Please tell me you're lost

Joel: We didn't know the place was occupied. We're just trying to make our way through

Woman: Through to where?

Man: They're alright

Woman: What, you know these people?

Man: I know him

The door opens to reveal a blonde man

Man: He's my goddamn brother

Joel: Tommy

Tommy M: Holy shit

They hug each other and Tommy smiles

Joel: How you doin', baby brother?

Tommy M: Goddamn 

Joel: Yeah

Tommy M: Let me look at you. You got fucking old

Joel: Easy, it's gonna happen to you too

Ellie and Tommy pick up their pistols and holster them as the blonde lady makes her way down to the brother's reunion

Tommy M: This is Maria. Be nice to her, she sorta runs things around here

Joel: Ma'am, thanks for not blowing my head off

Maria: Would've been embarrassing, considering you're my brother in law

Joel looks at his brother who only smiles 

Tommy M: We all gotta get wrangled up at some point

Maria: What's your names?

Tom: Uh, Tom Valentine. This is Ellie

Maria looks at the boy quizzically

Maria: Do I know you?

Tom: I don't know you...

Maria: Huh. What brings you through here?

Ellie: Uh... it's kind of a long story

Tommy M: Why don't we bring 'em inside?

Maria: Yeah. You kids hungry?

Ellie: Starving

Tom: Yeah

They head into the Dam compound...


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