Chapter 9

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The journal of Brynhild the Bold

After my collapse yesterday everyone was doubtful that I would live. If I didn't wake up they would leave me to begin the raid. Luckily I woke up.

I won the fight. I delivered the final blow, and avoided being killed. He passed out before me, and he is still passed out. I don't know why that would be, as I was the one who lost the most blood, because I was hit first, and the most times. Maybe he isn't as strong and powerful as I thought.

One thing is, after defeating him in battle, I have lost the urge to make his life a living hell. Then there is also the fact of how he seemed to make that face as he was going for the killing blow. I feel sure he could have killed me if he hadn't hesitated for that fraction of a second. Maybe, just maybe, he does have compassion, and isn't as ruthless as I first thought....

Brynhild the Bold

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