Pt. 23

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Turns out it wasn't that hard to find the area we were looking for. We found the church, and right across the street from it was a big two story yellow house with the long gate. We glanced at each other before walking over to the house.

When we approached the house I suggested in asking about the little boy in the picture. "It could be a clue. After all, Lucas has showed us the houses, maybe a person that lives there might be the next victim."

"Good idea." Dean said, knocking on the door. After waiting a big, an old woman answered the door. "Sorry to bother you, Ma'am. But does a little boy live here by chance?" Dean asked the elderly woman. "He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle?"

"No, sir." The woman looked down with a pained look. "Not for a very long time." We looked at her confused. "Peter's been gone 35 years now. The police never- I never had any idea what happened. He just disappeared. Losing him- you know," Dead nudged me gently and used his eyes to point to my side. When I looked, there were toy soldiers. "It''s worse than dying."

"We apologize for asking about something sensitive, ma'am." I spoke gently.

"Did he disappear from here- I mean, from this house?" Dean asked. The woman fought back tears but her voice was breaking.

"He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school, and he never showed up."

"May we take a look in his room?" Sammy asked. She nodded and pointing to the direction of the room. When we entered his room we looked around but I spoke up.

"'It's worse than dying'. Didn't Mr. Carlton say that too?" I asked.

"He did." Sam answered. We saw our brother pluck a picture that was attached to the mirror and read behind it.

"'Peter Sweeny and Billy Carlton, 1970."

"Could Carlton know something about Peter's disappearance?" I asked.

"One way to find out. Let's go." Dean said.


"Okay this little boy, Peter Sweeny- Vanishes and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow."

"Yeah and Bill sure as hell seems to be hiding something." I nodded, agreeing with Dean.

"And Bill- the people he loves- they're all getting punished." Sam said.

"So maybe Bill not only know's something- what if he did something to Peter? Like- kill him?" I asked.

"Peter's spirit would be furious. It'd want revenge. It's possible." Dean agreed.

We soon arrived to the Carlton residence and exited the car. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam called out. I could hear a rumbling from around but didn't know where.

"Hey. Check it out!" dean called out. we turned and saw Mr. Carlton on a boat, driving deep into the lake. We ran to the docks trying to stop him.



He turned to see us at the docks while we tried our best to get him back. But he soon ignored us and looked back out to the lake. The boat soon flew up and threw Mr. Carlton off the boat and into the water. I gasped and covered my mouth in shock. They quickly sunk into the water and didn't reappear again.


Due to what we had saw, we had no choice but to call the police. Andrea's father questioned us and we tried to explain what we saw, but he didn't believe us. So intead, he took all three of us down to the station. "Sam, Dean, Daphne. I didn't expect to see you here." Andrea said with a smile.

"So now you're on first-name basis?" The sheriff asked his daughter. "What are you doing here?"

"I brought you dinner."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I really don't have the time." He said truthfully. She glanced at us then back to her dad.

"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?"

"Right now, we don't know what the truth is," I glanced over at Lucas who seem to be fidgeting in his seat. He looked worried and anxious, "But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home." Soon Lucan whimpered and shot out from his seat, grabbing Dean and I's arm, pulling it.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" I asked. I could feel he was frightened. He was scared for his life. Dean asked what was wrong, but only got answered with whimpers. Andrea tried to gently pull him off us.

"Lucas, Lucas, listen, it's okay. It's okay." Dean and I assured the boy. I held his hand and let him feel less anxious and more relaxed. Soon his mother pulled him away, exiting the station, his eyes never left us until we were out of his sight.

Dean and I glanced at each other with worry. What has the boy so spooked? Could he know something? I wondered. "Hey." Sam called us.

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