Pt. 9

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Dean turned on one of the lamps to lighten the place up and found a burger that was left out who knows how long. Dean picked it up and sniffed it.

"Ew." I looked around and saw salt lines on the floor.

"I don't think he's been here for a couple of days at least."

"No shit Sherlock."

"Salt lines. He was worried, trying to keep something from coming in."

What happened here? I thought. "What do you got here?" Sam asked as Dean looked at the papers on the wall.

"Centennial highway victims."

"I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs, age, ethnicities. There's always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?"

"Maybe an attachment?" I suggested.

"Dad figured it out." We looked back to Sam starting at one of the pictures.

"What do you mean?" We asked.

"He found the same article we did. Constance Welch. She's a woman in white."

"Makes more sense."

"You sly dog." Dean muttered.

"Alright so if we're dealing with a woman in white, dad would've found the corpse and destroyed it."

"She might have another weakness? Daph, what did you suggest to Dean?"

"An attachment?"

"No, dad would make sure. He'd dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?"

"No, not that I can tell. If I were dad, thought I'd go ask her husband. If he's still alive." I nodded.

"Alright, why don't you see if you can find an address? I'm gonna get cleaned up."

"You do that, Dean."

"Hey, what I said earlier, about mom and dad- I'm sorry." I smiled.

"No chick-flick moments." I snorted and rolled my eyes.

"All right, jerk."


"Cunts." I sat on the bed and laid down.

"I'm gonna call Jess."

"Tell her I said hi." He nodded and took out his phone. I took out a black leather wallet with a little rabbit on the corner of it and opened it. I smiled at the pictures that I had tucked in one of them pockets. Sam sat next to my legs and I sat up straight and showed him the picture.

"That's Colt," I pointed to a guy with brown hair that stood on my left, "and that's Eddie." I pointed to the guy with also brown hair but was shorter than him but taller than me on my right. "Colt is funny but it's hilarious when Eddie gets drunk. You can make him do the most embarrassing things." I laughed remembering a time I asked him to wear a tutu and sing Lady GaGa's Bad Romance.

"I'd like to meet them."

"You're going to scare him!"


"You're a giant." (I literally screamed when I found out his brother was taller than Jared.) We laughed.

"Hey Jess." I laid down again and closed my eyes. I took a nap for a while when I was awoken by deans voice.

"Hey guys, I'm starving. I'm gonna grab a little something to eat in that diner down the street, up want anything?"

"No." Sam said.

"Aframian's buying." Sam still declined.

"A burger and fries with the side of coke please and thank you." I smiled as I continued to stare at the ceiling hearing the door close. I closed my eyes again but opened them at the tone of Sam's voice.

"What?" I heard Sam say. "What what about you?" I raised a brow and sat up.



"Looks like they found us out pretty quick." I joked as I picked up my jacket and put it on. "Window." I said. He nodded and opened the window letting me go out first and then himself before we made a run for it.

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A/N: just to kinda get a picture of who Colt and Eddie are. For those who haven't read my other story of the Walking Dead crossover you are being played by Emmy Rossum.

I didn't add on who Eddie and Colt will look like in the other story so I might as well add them onto here

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I didn't add on who Eddie and Colt will look like in the other story so I might as well add them onto here. Erik will be played by (I wasn't entirely sure who to put so I just put the first one who came to mind) Pedro Pascal.

 Erik will be played by (I wasn't entirely sure who to put so I just put the first one who came to mind) Pedro Pascal

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And Eddie will be played by Jake Gyllenhaal

And Eddie will be played by Jake Gyllenhaal

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