Pt. 22

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"I'm sorry but I don't think it's a good idea." Andrea said. We were at her house to try and talk to Lucas again, this time about what he might know.

"We just need to talk to him, just for a few minutes." Dean tried to reason with her.

"He won't say anything. What good's it gonna do?"

"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt. We think something's happening out there." Sammy spoke.

"My husband, the others- they just drowned. That's all."

"If that's what you really believe, then we'll go, but if you think there's even a possibility that something else could be going on here, please, let us talk to your son." Dean pleaded. She stayed silent, looking into his eyes and sighed.

She turned around and led us upstairs to an open room where Lucas was found drawing again with the soldiers in front of him. I exhaled and followed dean into his room before crouching near him. "Hi again." I greeted softly.

"Hey, Lucas. You remember us?" Dean asked. Silence answered him. We looked at the boy and then down to his pile of drawings that seemed to be of red bicycles and another was a big black swirl that covered the whole page. Could it be another clue? I thought. "You know, I, uh, we wanted to thank you for that last drawing...but the thing is- we need your help again." Dean said.

I looked back to the piece he was drawing. It seemed to be a person in water. I glanced at dean and nodded. He hesitantly took out the folded drawing that Lucas gave us and showed it to him. "How did you know to draw this?" He asked.

"Did- did you know something bad would happen?" I asked.

When he didn't give any sign of an answer Dean spoke up. "Maybe you could nod yes or no for us?" He suggested. "You're scared. It's okay. I understand- we do. See, when I was your age, and Daph was younger than me. We saw something real bad happen to our mom." I tensed up and scratched my wrist. "I was scared too."

"I- I was too young to know what happened, but, even now that I know, I'm still scared. It isn't easy to forget. But it isn't easy to cope with trauma like that." I confessed, feeling a bit of tears gather in my eyes.

"I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, our mom- I know she wanted me to be brave. For us to be brave...I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave." I held Dean's hand. I could feel emotions course through my body. Grief, pain, loss...I gave him a squeeze and smiled softly. "And maybe your dad wants you to be brave, too."

Lucas stopped and let the crayon fall from his hand before looking up to us. He looked down to grab his drawing and looked back to us, handing it over. We gently took it and looked at it. It was a picture of a white church on the right corner, a yellow house in the middle, and a gate on the left. In front of the gate was a boy with a blue cap and a red bike, similar to the ones he had drew in the other papers. "Thanks Lucas." I said with a proud smile.

We quietly exited his room to let him draw some more while his mother walked us out. She was in shock to see that Lucas made some sort of interaction with us.

Now we were back on the road to find the next location Lucas had given us. "Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died."

"There are cases going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies."

"Could be. Children are also more sensitive to supernatural occurrences than adults." I added.

"Well whatever's out- what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?" Dean asked.

"It's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please."

Sammy sighed in defeat. "All right. We got another house to find."

"The only problem is- there's about a thousand yellow two-stories in this county alone."

"Next to a white church?" I asked, pointing to it over Sammy's shoulder.

"I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here."

"Ph, college boy things he's so smart." He teased. I giggled and shook my head, sitting back and looking out the window.

"...You know, um..." Sammy started. "What you said about mom-" Dean and I tensed up a little- "You never told me that before."

"It's no big deal." Dean shrugged it off. Sam looked at him with sad eyes. Dean glanced over to see his face and then back to the road. "Oh god, we're not gonna have to hug or anything, are we?"

Sam and I snorted.

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