Getting Ready - Chapter 4

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I got home and ran up to my room, going to my closet to find what i'm going to wear later for the date tonight.

Wait is it a date though? I'm not sure but i'm gonna call it a date anyway. 

I go to my closet realizing that I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. No fancy dresses or nice formal clothes. I also just realized I don't know where we're going. I was about to text him for the details when I realized I don't have his number.


I only gave him my number but I don't have his.
"ARGHHHHHHH" I groaned in frustration, why am I so stupid.

As I was scolding myself for my fucking stupidity I got a text notification from an unknown number.

Unknown number: Dinner at heavenly poisons at 7. Don't be late kitten.

Lex: Okay. See you later Master.

Once I read the kitten I instantly knew that it was Master. Only he calls me that and I love it. I changed his contact to David instead of Master.

David <3: Btw kitten use a skirt okay.

Lex: Yes Master.

David <3: Good girl. I'll see you later.

Him calling me a good girl really makes me happy. Im not sure why but I really like pleasing people, especially people who I care for and when they praise me for it, it makes me overjoyed.

Now that I know where we're going I started to look for my outfit again and after a while and a few screams of frustrations I found a cute outfit. It's dark green cargos with a cute Black top that really accentuates my boobs and make them bigger.

Okay, so I know he asked me to wear a skirt but I didn't really want to for two reasons. First I don't think I look that cute in a skirt, and second I wanna know what he will do if I don't follow his instructions.

Now, I'm not a brat, well not usually but for some reason when it comes to Master I feel a little different. I fee like I want to push his buttons and test his limits. Or maybe I'm just craving to get punished lol, but I aint ever telling that part to no nobody. Not a single soul.

Once I took a shower and put on my outfit I checked the time and OH SHIT IT'S 6 PM.         Ah fuckkkk. I haven't done my make up yet and I have to leave in like 40 minutes.

I went to my table grabbing my make up bag and started doing my make up. I set a timer for 40 minutes just so that I didn't lose track of time. As I finished off with my lipstick I checked the time again and saw that it was 6:35pm and sighed in relief. I cleaned my table a bit and grabbed the bag I'll be using and added my wallet, lipstick, mints, and power bank because my phones battery is so wackkk.

As I finished packing my bag my timer rang and I hurriedly got out of my house and went inside my car. I started driving to the restaurant while listening to music and by 6:58pm I made it to the restaurant.

"Phewww luckily I wasn't late" I said with a relieved sigh.

I got out of my car and locked it before heading inside the restaurant. Once inside a girl was standing there and asked wether I had a reservation.

I said I was meeting someone named David and she nodded her head and started walking. We walked to a room that said 'VIP 3', she knocked and opened the door and let me in.

When I walked in I saw Master sitting there and checking his watch.

"6:59pm, good job kitten for not being late." He said smiling and that made me happy.

I walked to the other chair and sat down across from him. I looked up at him and he's not smiling anymore.

His eyes are dark and scary, his lips are in a straight line, and his jaw is clench like he's mad.

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