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Dinner was approaching, and a small unsettling feeling was lurking in my stomach. I was nervous, I hadn't seen Ryo all day, but I knew that he would be there for dinner. Kaiyo, to my relief, would only return tomorrow, he had to leave for business, as Sora had mentioned - not delving deeper into what he did for a living.

I was curious however, why they all lived together, they were all in they 20's and seemed to have a profession of their own, and yet they showed no signs of relationships or moving out to live separately. 

I start my trek downstairs, feeling uneasy as I approach the dining room. And though I had gotten used to living here, there was still a cold feeling in every room, something that made me feel like this wasn't home. Perhaps it was because I didn't know them, the idea of strangers turning into family within a moment of revelation still seemed as though it was from a fairy tail.

I smile at Sora as I place myself next to him, everyone was already here. I notice that the size of my food had decreased considerably, they were making changes - for me.

"I wasn't sure how much you wanted, but if you feel like you need more, feel free to ask the maid." Ryo speaks up, placing his fork and knife down, "Eliza, I'm sorry I made you eat beyond your capacity yesterday, I should have listened to you when you told me you'd had enough."

I look up from my plate, "That's ok, it was a mistake, it's not a big deal."

After all this time, I still hadn't dropped the habit of forgiving others, I was still anxious about holding grudges, now more than ever. I don't think it will be something I can change - at least not for a long time. 

"No, it's not alright. You should't feel threatened or anxious because of your family, and for making you feel like you can't rust us, Eliza I truly am sorry."

I nod my head, letting him know I've accepted his apology.

It proved to me he was nothing like Oliver, he was sincere and cared about my feelings, that was evident through his apology. 

"But, I would like to suggest you see a dietitian, to ensure that your eating habits are healthy, and returned to normalcy. Is this something you'd be interested in?"

I didn't want professional help, I was sure of that. If I admitted to wanting such help, it would reaffirm that something was deeply wrong with me. And despite the fact that I was grieving the loss of my parents, dealing with never being able to live with my family and not having a 'home' to return to, I feel like having a professional to label and diagnose me with more of my problem would have the opposite effect. I wouldn't be able to come out of the hole I had dug.

"No," I shake my head, "I-I think I'm happy with just Sora."

"Alright," he breathes out, "But if you change your mind, just say the word and I'll arrange something for you."


We arrived at the mall relatively fast, I had expected the journey to be longer because it felt so far from the airport. This was my first time leaving the house, and Sora had accompanied me on my trip. Ryo had suggested I go shopping for clothes and other personal items, considering I didn't have much. I was slightly eager to leave, and to explore the streets of Chicago.

We had made our way through multiple stores, with Sora and I bickering at almost every one. He insisted on buying me everything I laid my eyes on, but I simply did not feel comfortable enough to accept his money in such abundance. I would put away each item when his attention was diverted, hoping he wouldn't notice until the very end. We walked out, with only what I deemed was necessary for me and whatever else he had wanted to buy.

The girl behind her liesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora