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I had my packed bags by my side, just two suitcases and a rucksack, filled with clothes and memories I was able to keep safe. I was stood outside of O'Hare International Airport, waiting for one of my brothers to pick me up. Even though the wind was warm, there was a slight tremble to my hands. I was nervous. This was the first time I had travelled abroad without anyone, not even Ezra.

Both me and Ezra had been notified earlier last week that we would be moving in soon with our brothers, as they had accepted to become our guardians until we turned 18. We were asked to pick a date of departure, one that was more convenient to us, and I had chosen the earliest one. I saw the opportunity to escape, and I made sure I grabbed it as fast as I could. Ezra wanted to remain in England, just until his Football tournament had rolled by, and his foster family were also more than happy to accommodate him until then. He would only be arriving two weeks after I did. Elijah wanted to remain in England, with placement in different law firms over the summer, he was quite busy, and was not able to arrange time to join me in my journey. He did however mention coming to visit later in the holidays.

And so here I was, waiting for someone whom I had never seen before to pick me up and escort em to my new temporary home.

"Miss Ishida?" A deep voice resonates from behind me.

I turn my head swiftly, facing a man who looked as though he was in his forties, his hair starting to pepper and a clear cut moustache resting above his lips.

"Who are you?" I ask, cautious.

"I am your chauffeur, here to provide transport to the manner." He replies, "Do you mind if I take your bags?"

My clutch on them tightens, pulling them closer to my sides, "I do actually, I was told my one of brothers would be here to pick me up, and you look too old to be my brother, no offence."

"He has sent you a message, you can check your phone to confirm this." 

I turn my phone on, and sure enough a message had been received.

Ryo: I will not be able to bring you from the airport, instead I have arranged an escort, his name is Koji.

I turn to look up, "What's your name?"

"My name is Koji." 

Satisfied that he could be trusted, I nod my head, "So, where's the car?"


The journey had been only 45 minutes long, and Koji had announced when we were about to approach the manner, waking me up from my thoughts. Upon arrival, my eyes bulged, the front gates were guarded, by men clad in black suits. It felt surreal, driving through the gates and past the water fountain, stoping directly in front of the set of stairs that looked as though they would extend to the heavens. 

Koji unloads my suitcases from the car and hands them to me at the top step, before turning around to leave. I wave him goodbye and then I turn to face the door. My hands had only just formed a raised fist when the door was opened. And before me stood a man, towering in height. His inky hair was long at the front, loose curls piling at the top. Deep brown eyes reflected my own curiosity.

"Eliza." He breaths, almost in disbelief.

We stand in silence for a few moments, before he opens the door further and motions me to come in, "Sorry, we were expecting you, it's just odd seeing you here. In real life."

"Right." I say, nodding my head slowly.

"My name's Sora." He extends his hands out for me to greet, "I'm the youngest of us, I just turned 22 last month."

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