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We follow Sora down to the dining room, Ezra making small conversation as we walk, just to get familiar with everyone. He was always the more social one out of the two of us.

I place myself in my regular seat, but Sora decides to place himself  next to Kaiyo, allowing Ezra to sit beside me. I watch closely as Ezra introduces himself to Kaiyo, and vice versa, and immediately notice his less hostile reaction towards Ezra.

Maybe it was because we're in the presence of the others.

With the food placed before us, we begin eating, and I keep quiet, listening as the others speak to each other. They engage in discussions about Ezra's career in sports and his academic life, even though school is very much over for the both of us.

"Hey, why are you eating so little?" Ezra whispers when the others breakout into a discussion of their own.

I shrug, "I ate a lot this morning, I'm still kind of full too be honest."


Truth be told, even Ezra did not know about my poor eating habits as of late, and I wasn't sure if he had noticed any of the visible changes on my body. But considering the fact that he has not yet mentioned anything about it, I'd like to think he hasn't yet observed it.

From my peripheral vision, I could see Kai watching the two of us closely, his eyes were set hard and there was a small scowl forming on his face. I continue to hovel the rest of my food, to try and not gain his attention further.

As dinner finishes, we all disperse, Ryo and Sora return to their offices and Kai remains in the kitchen, scrolling mindlessly on his phone.

Both Ezra and I take time to explore the ground floor of the house, walking through the multiple rooms, each containing something new. Although minimal words were spoken between the two of us, I could tell we were definitely thinking the same thing, What kind of money did our father come from?

What did he give up to live in England, or better yet, why did he give all of this up and cut of contact with his family? Just to live in worser conditions in a foreign country?

Although our minds were occupied, our feet still travelled at the same pace, and at some point we had returned to where we had began - the dining room.

As we walk past the doorframe, my shoulder knocks into a stiff arm, and immediately my head snaps up.

Kaiyo's beady eyes narrow down on me and his voice drips with agitation, "I thought I told you to watch where you're fucking going already."

My mouth opens to apologise, but before I can, Ezra interjects, "It was an accident dude, calm down."

Kaiyo's jaw clenches, but he does not offer a reply, before walking forwards.

Why was it that he always found ways to talk harshly to me, even when I was never talking back to him? But when Ezra asserts some sort of dominance he lets it slide? What had I done so wrong?

I clench my fist and open my mouth to voice my thoughts, "Why do you hate me?"

My question stops him, "I haven't done anything to you, and yet the moment I walked through those doors you've been acting like I killed your dog or something."

"Your existence."

I look up shocked, "What?"

"You and your brothers are the reason our father never came back, you got his love whilst we had to suffer under the hand of our grandfather, and I despise you for that." He seethes, leaning towards me.

I shuffle back slightly, intimidated by his hard demeanour.

"I- I can't help that. I cant help that he was my dad!" I retort.

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