• ━ • 21: Drama • ━ •

Start from the beginning

"C-could you j-just g-give me a moment to process this information? Like I knew my mom mentioned she had a friend that she was sad she could no longer visit, but how the hell am I supposed to believe she was friends with someone of another social class? H-how was she even able to give gifts? My dad had to resort to robbery because we were poor! In what world, magic or not does that make any sense?"

"Plus from what I knew, that black box was a gift from my dad! It's the one that has a painted dango on top of it, right? Some of the information fits, yet this is crazy information to even fathom considering! How do I know you aren't a stalker or making this up just to toy around with a commoner because you have nothing better to do?" I asked Yuuma, my head feeling like it was about to implode from this information. It just doesn't make any goddamn sense no matter how you try to look at it. Why would my mom marry my dad, if we were poor? Where did that money come from? She never mentioned she was friends with an imperial concubine! Did my dad lie to me about the box? But he said it was a birthday present, sure it had high leveled magic cast on it and I thought it was a bit odd how he could afford something like it. But how the hell would this familiar even know about it?

"Are you alright my dear? Do you need me to cast a healing spell on you?" Yuuma asked.

"I- I'm okay. So if I am to believe all of this is true, this still doesn't explain why you are dead set on marrying me!"

"Ah well about that-" The familiar began to speak but got cut off by Yuuma. I swear I could hear him grunt in annoyance.

"I was just about to get to that my dear~ I am rather upset you find my familiar more reliable than myself. I'm more than happy to go down memory lane for you. Although to do so I do need to elaborate on some events. It'll be short, I promise~". He said, grabbing a chair nearby to sit down.

"Ahem. It is true your mom and mine knew each other, she would tell me stories of how she respected your mom after she saved her from an encounter with an aggressive boar. Quite a lovely story I might say. I'm not sure what your dad told you, but the box is indeed the one you have in mind. A preservation spell was cast on it, one I'm rather proud of. Y'know, I was quite young at the time, a feat that even my older brothers are still massively jealous of-"

"Not the point, your Highness." his familiar commented, cutting into the conversation.

"-Stand down, you." Yuuma snapped back at his familiar who simply rolled his eyes in response. "-Well, in any case, the dessert your mom gave to mine was an apple tart, a rather simple yet lovely dessert. In my attempt to recreate its flavors, I mistakenly summoned a D-rank familiar, a slime. Me? A D rank familiar? Preposterous! I'm an S rank, so how would that be even possible? Yet it happened, and I simply have no words to say on the matter-"

"Ha! No words? It's because you're utterly useless when it comes to cooking." his familiar sneered. "He had to resort to using magic to try salvaging whatever garbage he created, and somehow, maybe because of his high ranking, it managed to turn into a slime." 

"Yes, you are garbage, an utterly rude familiar at that. Now ignoring him-"

"No no, your Highness, you're not escaping this. Even if I am roasting myself in the process, you are so incompetent at the most mundane tasks in the world, that even with your magic you are so freaking idiotic that I had to evolve in order to even deal with the crap you put me through!" The familiar snapped, glancing at me as he bowed before me. Huh? "I am completely sorry you have to deal with him, but considering if I let him go on at this rate, we will be here till the sun has vanished from the sky." He said, um... what's going on?

"Now that's it! You are being far too impertinent, even as my familiar. You are not me, return to your realm at once!"

"Ha? Oh, really? Knowing you, you're probably going to call me back out because you literally can't function without me around. I'm the copy? If anything, even the imperial court thinks I'm the actual prince, because you are too lazy to attend those meetings yourself!"

Dango: Male Reader x Ocs 🍡 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now