Want some beans?

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"Are you bothered by it?"

"No, the doctor said I lack empathy and that I was apathetic to the full degree, though I think I have some interests. They did love me while I was there, I was as they said 'the least problematic'. Though I'm sure that's only because I was to busy memorizing their schedules, the pervert, the nice lady, the mean one, the silent one, and the one that brought me food. The silent one always brought my clean clothes in organized stacks"

"Is that the ward I got you out of?"

"No, that was only the first one"

He nodded, listening to her. The girl kept peeking at me and grinning when I'd look back. "How old are you kid, whats your name?" Naroo blocked me from her, "Who are your parents, they abusive? Dead? They always are"

"Hm? I'm almost 14, my parents weren't abusive, they never hit me, we lived very comfortably, until I killed them both, my names Yami, my dad was from Japan and my mother from Germany, wanna hear a German joke?"

I eyed Naroo suspiciously when she said her father was from Japan but dropped it when she talked about how she killed them both, I still fond it weird about the purple hair, both share the very light and dull purple shade.

He told her to go on with the joke. "Okay, a German man is peeing on the side of the road in New York, a woman walks out and see's him and yells 'Gross!' He looked at her and said 'Thank you!'... get it, gross in English sounds like 'Groß' in German which means big"

Naroo smiled down at her and laughed. Why is he treating her like a kid? Like a normal person? She chopped some guys fingers off!

We ripped someone's head off back at the mountains, you're acting like Daniel.

Naroo steered me through the doors and crowds while I spaced out.
I am not acting like Daniel, I'm afraid for Pan and all of them because she can't control herself from her bloodthirsty nature, I can! That's the difference, and I don't kill cops or innocents, she see's no difference in it.

To be fair... I'm the one that ripped off that guy's head but no one needs to know that.

"Hey, I saw those kids running back, what the hell happened" Xan caught up to us and walked by my left to keep more people away from me. Yamin stuck out from Naroo's side, "Hi!" She smiled happily.

"Eh, who's that?"

"The reason I had those kids run back here" I shoved past more people, I'm irritated that Kovik thinks I'm going to train her just because he said so. I've never really said no to him for something like this but I will not let her risk the safety of... risk blowing all of our cover.

I slam open his office doors but my argument is immediately knocked out of my head when I see the other people in the room. When Xan and the other two get in I snatch his gun and point it right at the Chairman Charles Choi's bodyguards, the two freak. "Sir, what's going on?"

"Put that down, he wanted to know why you were in Korea and why you were interfering with his bodyguards"

"And how did he find this place?" I looked right into the Chairman's eyes, he only smiled at me from where he was sat down, taking a drink of what Kovik poured him, "Also why you ran from a friend of mine, most would have gone along willingly"

Xan pushed my hands down so that I wasn't pointing the gun directly at Koviks 'guest'. "He said put it down", he gently took it from me and put it back in the back of his pants.

"Hey, but they have a Gun too" Naroo responded, pointing at Gun who stood right next to the Chairman. "Well, I'm handicapped because I have an idiot with me" He pointed at the fake blond Goo with his thumb then crossed his arms again.

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum