"JJ has been in love with her since they started dating, he wouldn't do that." John B defended me and I pointed to him with a proud smile.

"Exactly, thank you," I rested my hand back onto my chest as my arms crossed over one another.

"But you should apologize for calling her dramatic, chicks hate that." He added and I rolled my eyes, "Don't be stubborn."

"What? I'm not being stubborn—"

"You and her are the most stubborn people I've ever met. This fight is going to last until one of you apologize," Pope intervened, "So..forever, this fight is going to last forever."

Just as I was going to talk the front door opened to reveal Y/n but none of the girls followed, "It's late, I'm going to sleep." She looked to John B and Pope, completely ignoring the fact that I was sitting right in front of her, "Can you tell JJ he can sleep on the couch tonight?" She asked JB.

"He's literally right there," He pointed to me and I stayed silent. Y/n raised her eyebrows at him and placed both of her hands on her hips and John B sighed, "JJ, Y/n told me to tell you that you're sleeping on the couch tonight."

"Can you tell her I planned on it?" I asked. If she wanted to act childish then two could play at that game. I wasn't flirting with that girl, she came onto me and I shut it down.

"He said he planned on it." John B recited my message back to my frustrated girlfriend.

"Good." She huffed. Her eyes looked over to me and I rolled mine.

"Good." I replied. I love her to death but sometimes she drives me insane, today being one of those days.

"Have fun sleeping without me." Y/n said and I could hear the smile in her voice as she walked up the stairs to her room. We've been sleeping next to one another for the last six months and I've grown accustomed to having her next to me. I knew sleeping without her would be nearly impossible but I wasn't going to be the first to apologize.

"Love you, too!" I shouted sarcastically to her. The slam of her bedroom door echoed throughout the entire house.

"Don't add fuel to the fire, man." Pope said to me and I shrugged him off while slipping the blanket off the back of the couch, "Fifty says you'll end up in her bed by the morning."

"Fifty says shut up and leave so I can sleep the whole night on the couch." I replied. The duo gave me one last glance before walking to the front door and leaving.

Before going to sleep I got up and locked the front door. I also shut all the lights off except for the small light above the stove, I wasn't doing this for me. I knew Y/n was scared of the dark and if she came downstairs for water the small light would bring her comfort. Although right now I was annoyed with her, I still loved her, that would never change. Even if she was making me sleep on the couch.

Once I was laid as comfortable as I could be on the small couch I closed my eyes and did my best to fall asleep.

After an hour of turning back and forth I let out an annoyed groan.

Another hour went by and I found myself wondering if Y/n was still awake and having just as much trouble sleeping.

I should apologize, I could've handled the situation better. I shouldn't have said she was being dramatic, she has a right to be upset. I'd be upset too if some guy was all over her.

Y/n's pov

I wanted to apologized because I do genuinely believe JJ wasn't flirting with that girl, but with the image of her all over him in my mind I couldn't be the first to say 'I'm sorry'. Maybe I was stubborn and maybe I was being dramatic, but I didn't want to admit it.

It was nearly one o'clock in the morning and I found myself staring at my ceiling twiddling my thumbs as my hands rested on my chest.

With a small annoyed huff I turned over and slid my phone off my night stand and into my hand as I went to JJ's contact to text him.

My fingers stopped typing when I heard my door slowly creep open and I quickly dropped my phone to pretend I was sleeping, "Y/n?" His voice quietly asked. I didn't respond, my eyes stayed closed and I focused on keeping my breathing slow so my act was believable.

I felt the comforter lift from the bed and it dipped slightly when he laid next to me, "I know you're awake." He whispered into my ear with a small chuckle. Without opening my eyes I brought my arm around to smack him in the chest, "Ow! What was that for?"

"For being a bitch," I mumbled, "too dramatic for you?" My body turned and my eyes opened so I could look at the blonde, "You're in my room and I haven't heard an apology yet."

"I'm not going to apologize when I didn't do anything wrong," He defended. I threw the comforter off my body and began standing up to go sleep on the couch to avoid him, but he caught my wrist in his hand to stop me, "Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

"Mean it if you're going to say it." I snapped back. I didn't want him to say he was sorry if he was only saying it to make me happy. He let go of my wrist and I stood next to my bed to wait for him to speak.

"I'm sorry for calling you dramatic and for whatever you saw that made you believe I would ever flirt with another girl," As he spoke I rested my knee onto the mattress, "Will you please let me explain so you know the full story?"

I thought about it for a second, I should give him the benefit of the doubt. Like Kie said, he's different with me, "Fine." I laid back down and waited for him to explain.

"When you went into the store with everyone I decided to run over and grab us all drinks. Some girl was in line and we had small talk and then she got all flirty and started asking for my number. I told her I had a girlfriend, like, three times but she didn't care and she kept putting her hands all over me—"

"So why didn't you walk away?" I asked. I know if I was ever in that situation I would've just walked away, avoiding it entirely.

"I should've, I know that now. In my head I just kept telling myself to tell her to leave me alone long enough to grab the drinks and leave, that's when you came over and yelled at her." He continued to explain. I was still a bit upset about the situation, but I understood where he was coming from. Especially since he's never had a healthy, loving relationship before. I couldn't blame him for not knowing how to handle situations like that.

"Don't let anything like that happen again, okay? If some girl is flirting with you can you please just walk away?" I asked. I didn't want to sound controlling or tell him what to do, but I did want some type of confirmation that he'd at least try to handle things like that better.

"Okay." He promised. I lifted my body up long enough for him to slip his arm around me and laid my head onto his chest.

"I'm happy you apologized 'cause I couldn't sleep without you in here," I admitted and I felt him stifle a laugh, "You're still a bitch though." I joked.

"Your bitch." He corrected as he turned and wrapped his other arm around me, "Can you do me a favor?" He asked. I responded with a small hum, "I kinda bet Pope fifty bucks that I wouldn't wake up in your bed."

"Are you asking what I think you are?" I looked up at him and he slowly nodded his head yes, "You're lucky I love you," I groaned and threw the blankets off both of us. He grabbed onto my hand as I lead us down the stairs and to the couch where we laid down, "That fifty is getting spent on me though." I joked. The couch was so small I was practically laying on top of him but he didn't seem to mind.

"I planned on it." He kissed my forehead and began running his fingers through my hair, "Next time we argue, you're apologizing first."

I laughed, "Never gonna happen."

Not my best but I'm exhausted and rewrote this multiple times so this is the best it's gonna get.

Thank you for all the kind words, dms checking on me and requests <3 I'm bad at keeping track of requests but I do my best. I think I might've found a system that works to keep track of them though so I'm giving that a try.

I also think I'm going to start rewatching Outer Banks so how would you guys feel if I maybe did some imagines based on earlier episodes? Like season one maybe?

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