Parteh? Parteh.

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*That Friday - Zaraya's POV*

Romani and I sat on the couch, in front of the TV. We were watching some reality documentary thing about how aliens helped Hitler win World War II. Or something. It was just stupid.

"ZARAYA!" I hear outside the door, followed by someone else talking. "It's Tucker, Tom and Jordan! Open up!" I walk to the door, opening it and seeing Tom, Tucker and Jordan carrying grocery bags. "We're planning a party. When are your parents coming back?"

"Sometime next week...not sure yet though. Business trip." I sigh lightly before noticing Tom staring at Romani. Tom must be crushing. How cute. "Romani, this is Tom Cassell and Jordan Maron. Guys, this is Romani Levy." Oh, Tom's interested, alright. "I guess you could have it here. My mom and dad should be chill with it. I hope." I smile lightly before adding, "My room and my parents room is off limits though."

"Hell yeah! Let's party!" Tom says before fist pumping. Sigh.

"You guys got the shit? I have to get ready upstairs then."

"Yeah, we got it. You go on." Tucker says, putting the bags onto the table before smiling at me.

"Come on, Roma. I got something for you." I grab her hand before pulling her up the stairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. "Please tell me you saw Tom's face."

"Which one was Tom?"

"Younger one. Jordan was in the green shorts and black shirt."

"Oh yes. Eyeing me like a piece of meat."

"He's kind of a man whore. I've seen him with so many chicks, it's not funny."

"Alright, I'll keep an eye on him. Thanks." She flashes a smile before walking to my closet, pulling out a sleek black strapless dress. I think my mom got me that for a work party they had once. But I didn't wear it, so it still had all its tags. "This still has its tags."

"Work party back in Cali. Remember I went over to your place instead of going?"

"Oh yeah. Put this on!" She forces it into my hands before handing a strapless bra and black heels to me. "These too!"

"If you say so..." She turns around before I throw on the dress, bra and heels, keeping on the black panties I had on from before. "There."

"You look amazing." She says, before pushing me in front of the mirror. The dress worked my curves well, showing off what tits and ass I did have. "What do you think would work well for neck ware? I think this one." She holds up a ruby necklace, one my parents gave me for my birthday, ruby being my birthstone.

"Let's try it." I put it on, before smiling. "I like it." I look over at her, still dressed in sweats and a black tank. She needed something too. I take her place in front of the closet, looking around. There's that blue dress...but blue isn't good for her. There's the emerald green one...yeah let's try that. I pull it out, showing her. "How about this?"

"You know I love green!" She grabs the dress before I hand her an appropriate bra and some white heels. I turn around before hearing music beginning to be played downstairs. I think it was "Trap Queen" by Fetty Wap. Or something. Some new popular song. People must be getting here already. "Look." I turn around, seeing her look stunning in green. She was right, green is her color. I hand her a necklace with a white stone before smiling. "Perfect." I look in the mirror, fixing my makeup before she does the same, only simple eyeliner and foundation for me. I don't want that shit caked on my face though. "Ready?"

"Damn right." I smile at her before walking out of the room and down the stairs, locking eyes with Tucker while stepping down. He stops talking to some dude before making his way to me. "Hello, Tucker."

"You look amaz- gorg- beaut-"

"Thank you, Tuck. Who the hell's controlling the music?"

"I think some girl named Sonja is." SONJA'S HERE?!

"Where?" He points to the front before I fight through the crowd, seeing Sonja over at the speakers. "SONJA!"


"HIDEOUS!" I laugh for a second before yelling, "GIVE ME SOME KIESZA!"


"DAMN RIGHT!" She squeals before playing the song. I dance for a minute, before bumping into someone. "Sorry!" I say, seeing James standing awkwardly. "James!"

"Hey, Zaraya. How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

He only frowns before saying, "Sad face."

"It's ok, James! Have some fun! Loosen up!"

"I'll try..." He drags on before I feel someone grab my arm. I look over, seeing Dec smiling.

"Dec! Yo!" I give him a hug before the song changes, to Cheerleader. This song isn't bad. Except for the fact that the guy says cheerleader weird. We dance for a moment before I lock eyes with Tucker again. "Yo Dec! I have to go talk to someone! I'll find ya again!" I fight towards Tucker again before smiling. "And here I am again."

"Want to dance?"




Song Recommendations: Daft Punk by Pentatonix, Mess Is Made by Vance Joy and Tear In My Heart by twenty one pilots :3

If you haven't, check out Sincertal and I's new fanfic, "Not So Sisters In Crime" :3 (It may or may not involve Tucker, too)


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