Saturday Afternoon

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*Zaraya's POV*

By Saturday morning, life had settled down. Sorta. I didn't see Tucker since that night. Jordan and I are least in English. I sat with Sonja, James and Dec at lunch. I could tell James was flirting with me, with the way he showered me with names such as 'darling' and 'milady'. He was a wonderful guy, but I can't date him. He isn't my type. He isn't the type of person I want, and if I do date him, I don't want to see him get attached and hurt when I dump him.

Maybe dump is a strong word.

Let go.

That's better.

I woke up on Saturday afternoon, at 12 to my doorbell ringing. I climb out of bed, throwing on my black hoodie, since I didn't want to open the door in just a bra and shorts. I walk downstairs, opening the door and seeing Tucker. "Hey."

"...hey. What's going on?"

"I have come to take you out. To make up for what happened on Tuesday."

The whole thing with Tucker's parents. Oh yeah. "You don't have to-"

"Go get some clothes on, grab your phone."


"Go on! I'll be right here!" He says, smiling. He must be excited...but for what?


*Zaraya's POV*

I had thrown on some black skinnies and a Panic! At the Disco shirt, along with some red Converse. I walk down the stairs, seeing Tucker's eyes lighting up. "Ok! Ready?"

"Hold on...damn." I slip my phone into my pocket, along with my house key. "Now."

"Come on!" He grabs my wrist, pulling me out of the house.

"Let me lock up!" I let out a laugh before locking the house and looking back over at him. "Now!"

"Come on!" He smiles, grabbing my wrist. "Let's go!"


*Zaraya's POV*

When we got to the place, I was royally surprised. Tucker walked me into a carnival. A CARNIVAL. Like the one with the Ferris wheel and the games where you can win fish. Yeah, that kind. "We're here!"

"We're at a carnival."

"Yep." He smiles, before pulling me inside and buying wristbands for each of us. "We're going to ride every single ride here. Including the Cyclone."

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