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Really short. Really feelzy.


I sighed, staring out the rain covered window into the dark evening. My fingers ran over the cold metal that was his necklace, the broken heart charm forever etched into my memory.

Our song played quietly in the back of my mind as I replayed what had happened...

You are my sunshine.

"Pres, what are you going?" I laughed as my boyfriend scooped me up over his shoulder.

My only sunshine.

He winked at me. "Taking you out."

You make me happy.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Put me down, showoff!"

When skies are grey.

He sighed playfully and complied, happiness dancing in his eyes. He had made me forget that I was upset.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you.

My arms snaked their way around his neck as I pulled him closer. "I love you so much."

Please don't take my sunshine away.

His eyes darkened suddenly. "Cupil..."

"What? What is it? Preston?"

My boyfriend sighed, walking towards the front door.

He stood there for a moment, looking back with saddened eyes. "I don't love you."

A tear streaked down my face as I gripped the necklace tighter in my hand.

"I thought I was your little teacup... It seems we both won't find true love."

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