The realization

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Actor gets into a fit of rage and starts throwing things around. Serena then enters his office.
S: "They're never coming back"
M: "leave me alone."
S: "They left just like the ones who came before."
M: "I said LEAVE!"
S: " Just like how she left you"
M: " No, no nonononono....."
S: " You were never good enough for them.... "
M: " stop."
S: "You were never good enough for her"
M: "no, stop"
S: "you're nothing but a narcissist "
M: " stop, just stop"
S: " A Villain"
M: "No"
S: " A disgusting, selfish, scummy, self centered, egotistical villain"
M: " Stop. STOP IT!

Serena's voice echoes and all the things they say overlap and keep repeating louder and louder. Actor gets overwhelmed by all of these voices and echos. He's spinning around screaming at it to stop as the voices get louder and more aggressive... "STOP!" He shouts one last time and the voices went quite.

Mark looks up, now standing Infront of a mirror looking at his own reflection.

S: "You never deserved her and you know that very well. This is all your fault." Serena said before leaving Mark alone gazing at his own reflection. Memories of the past flowing in his mind as he slowly reflected on his own action. Remembering the way he treated his friends, the other sidekicks, Galley, and the way he treated HER.

M: "It's..... It's all my fault."


Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed :)

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