the mask is off

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M: "I'm fine. It's nothing."
G: "it doesn't seem like nothing."
M: "I SAID.....*Takes a deep breath* .. I said it's nothing."
G: " C'mon, just tell me what's bothering you." And that's when the mask fell.

M: "FINE! you wanna know what's bothering me this much? IT'S YOU! YOU come here and try to steal MY role when I'M supposed to be the main character. You're just the sidekick. You supposed to follow MY LEAD! You're supposed to be MY friend, you shouldn't be going around making friends with whoever. You are NOTHING without me. A nobody. I gave you this role. I made YOU!"

G: " Is that what you really think?" Galley asked with tears rolling down their face. "You think I'm a nobody without you? All this time I've been giving you excuses. Trying to keep your good image in mind. thinking 'oh, maybe he's just stressed about how his project will turn out' but NO, you were just being mean and rude. I was blinded by that front of kindness that you put out but I see now. I see who you truly are. You're just a self centered, egotistical asshole who doesn't give a shit about other people...... I QUIT!" Galley leaves with tears streaming down their face
M: "Fine! Go. I don't need you anyway." Actor said coldly as he watched Galley getting further away.

S: "I told you." Serena jumpscared Mark as they suddenly appeared from behind him. "There! Another sidekick leaving your story."
M: " What do you want? I told you to leave."
S: " I'm not going to leave until you get your head out of your ass and see that you're the problem! It was never any of these people's fault that your stories keep failing. It's you!"
M: " it can't be me. I made the stories. I planned everything out perfectly. It's definitely their fault for not following it and trying to steal my role."
S: "There you go again, blaming others for your mistake."
M: " MY mistakes?" *He Scoffs Then pauses for a second* "Even if it "My mistake" what am I supposed to do.... Apologize?"
S: " YES!"
M: " Ugh! Fine! But just for the sake of MY story 'cause I know I'm never wrong." Actor leaves heading towards Galley's house.

Serena giggles menacingly to herself knowing that Mark will fail yet again which is her favourite part of all of this cuz she gets to taunt him about it. Although Serena is quite surprised that Actor is willing to go as far as to "apologize" to Galley.

It's all my fault (Markiplier AU)Where stories live. Discover now