"Why are we here?" he grumbled sitting inside the car with his arms crossed in front.

"To pick your didu," Ashika inform while looking toward the school gate as she is standing out of the car and leaned against the passenger door.

"I don't like her friends. They pinch my cheeks," Ashika smile and turn her head toward him. She laugh seeing his irritated face.

"Because my Abhi is so cute that no one resist him," she lovingly said kissing his nose. He giggle and hold her face with his small palm.

"But Mama is more beautiful and cute like a rabbit," he said kissing her both cheeks.

"Rabbit!" she exclaimed as if she is offended. He bobble his head while laughing at her expression.

She started tickling him saying,
"I am rabbit, huh. Rabbit! You little bunny," he started wiggling while laughing hard as she tickle him. Seeing his red face she stop tickling him and kiss his chubby cheeks.

"Bhayyu!!" Abhimanyu look up seeing Aaruhi running toward them.

He grin seeing his sister and happily wave at her.

"Mama!!" she quickly wrap her arms around her legs while smiling at Ashika.

"How is my doll?" Ashika asked kissing her head.

"Awesome!" she exclaim happily making Ashika chuckle at her energetic daughter.

Aashika helped her settle on the back seat after placing her bag beside her.

"Didu, I bought chocos and ice creams," Abhimanyu said still grinning as he turn toward his sister.

"Really!!" she look at him with wide happy eyes.

"Yup!!" he nodded his head.

Soon they reached Agnitohri house.

Ashika took the shopping bags after helping her kids out of the car. At the same time, Arjun's car also stop in the porch. He step out of the with his coat in his hand.

He tired face brighten up upon seeing his babies and his wife.

Abhimanyu and Aaruhi run toward him and hug him with a force making him stumble.

Ashika chuckles seeing Arjun playfully narrowing his eyes at them making them giggle.

Ashika went inside with grocery bags leaving the kids with Arjun.

"Papa, you look funny like this," Abhimanyu said between his laughing while Aaruhi covered her mouth.

"You naughty monkey!" he took him in his arms and started blowing air into his neck making him laugh loudly.

Taking Aaruhi and Abhimanyu in his arms he also walking inside the house while listening to their babble.

As they step inside, Abhimanyu squeal loudly seeing Anushka and Viraj sitting with everyone in the living room. Just then other two cute squeal echoes in the house making everyone chuckle.

Arjun put Abhimanyu and Aarushi on the floor. They immediately run toward the two little munchkin in Ashika's arms.

Anushka gave birth to twin baby 1.5 years ago. They are girl and boy. Boy is elder one. They name them Vihaan and Amaira.

Anushka hug Arjun who hug her back then kiss her head.
"How are you?"

"Super Great, bhai," 
Viraj and Arjun share a hug before they settle on the couch.

He took his little niece from Ashika who giggle happily when he kiss his nose.
"How is my babydoll!!" he asked in baby voice. She laugh playing with his nose.

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