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Walking out of the courtroom, Arjun signed his assistant to follow him.
Reaching his car, he hands over his coat and files to his driver to put them inside the car and turns to face his assistant.

"Don't worry sir, Sabrina is with Aaruhi" seeing the concerned look on his face, his assistant Rishi informed him making him sigh internally.

"Rishi, manage the office work, I have to go home. Call me if needed," Rishi nodded and soon Arjun went away in a hurry worried for Aaruhi has a fever and cold.

As soon as the car stopped at the entrance, Arjun rushed inside the house and almost run to Aaruhi's room.

He sighs in relief finding his daughter sleeping peacefully with a blanket over her. He softly walked to her bed and sitting beside her he touch her face finding her body still warm.

Placing a loving kiss on her forehead, he brushes her hair away from her forehead.

He turned his face toward the door hearing the door opening sound.

"Bhai, aap...aap kab aye," Sabrina asked in a low voice.

"Just now, did she eat something?" Arjun asked her holding Aaruhi's small hand in his.

"Ji Bhai, I feed her oats and also give her medicine. She fell asleep just one hour before," Sabrina informed him. He nodded and said, "Thank you, Sabrina. Hope she didn't trouble much,"

"Not at all Bhai. But she is missing Ashika Bhabhi,"

"I know," he said kissing Aaruhi's little fingers.

"Bhai I am going. I have to pick Vansh up from his school," she told taking her bag from the table.

"My driver will take and drop you and Vansh to home," he said and narrowed his eyes as she was about protest.

"Fine, take care of my baby and give her medicine after 3 hours," Arjun nodded at her and bid her bye.

He walk to Aaruhi and picked her up in his arm without disturbing her sleep and took her to his room. She stirred in her sleep as he place her on his bed and gently pat her stomach.
She went back to her sleep feeling his soft touch.

After covering her with a blanket, he went to take a quick shower.

While taking a shower, he heard her crying softly and calling Ashika. He quickly dries himself and comes out in his sweatpants.

Seeing her father, she stretched her arm toward him while sobbing. He takes her in his arm and hugs her gently.

"Shh, it's ok baby. I am here," he cooed at her rubbing her back to calm her down.

"Mama... I want Mamaa,..." she sob hiding her face in his neck. He stroked her back and kiss her head a few times.

"Shh, baby I am here na. Don't cry Jaan,..." he consoles her lovingly. Her body is shaking due to sobbing.

"Ok I am calling Mama but first stop crying and give me a smile, come on," he said caressing her head.

She look at him immediately, his heart breaks seeing her red puffy cheeks and teary eyes. He wipes tears from her cheeks and kisses her chubby cheeks.

"Should I call Mama?" he softly asked as she put her head on his shoulder and looked at him.
She nodded her head slowly and tears again appear in her eyes.

Arjun take his phone from the table and dial Ashika's number. Aaruhi was staring at him as he place the phone near his ear.

He frowned as her phone is unreachable. He look at Aaruhi who was staring at him eagerly and her innocent eyes fixed on him.

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