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Arjun Pov

Please be fine Ashi.

Arjun keeps on chanting in his mind. He feels a weird heaviness in his heart since he got to know about his wife being hospitalized.
He doesn't know how is she. What happened to her?
He wanted to call again and ask that but he is scared.
He was completely shaken up by the unfortunate call.

He quickly picks up sleeping Aaruhi without disturbing her sleep and taking her small backpack with her essentials and medicine he rushes downstairs.
With his fast steps, he went to the back side of their house where his chopper is waiting for him. It takes time to reach Delhi from Shimla if he would take a flight. He nodded at the pilot as soon as he settle inside.

He looks outside the glass window with his moist eyes as the chopper takes off. He inhale deeply to control himself and look down at Aaruhi who was laying beside him with her head on his lap. He kisses her little fist before covering her properly with her small blanket.
He know he shouldn't take Aaruhi with him but he can't leave her alone that too when she is not well. Also, he needs her to be with him.
His girls are anchors in his tough time.

He rubbed his face with his palms while praying for his wife and their unborn baby's safety.

After the painful one-hour journey, finally, his chopper landed on the roof of the hospital as it already has a helipad.

He look at his PA Rishi who voluntarily accompany him and said,
"I already book a room in a hotel, you can take Aaruhi there. A car is waiting for you. And call me if there is any problem," Rishi nodded and assure him. He is feeling sad for his boss seeing his worried and gloomy face and praying for Ashika's well being. They always treated him like his family than an employee.

Arjun hand him sleeping Aaruhi after kissing her forehead lovingly and give her backpack.

After sending him along with Aaruhi, he stays there for a few minutes as if gathering courage and strength for facing the worst.
Taking a deep breath, he made his way toward room 156 in which his wife is present as texted by an unknown person.

As he entered the corridor, his heart started thudding in his ears and he started feeling suffocated.
His desperate eyes stare at room no as he was passing through the corridor.

Room no 150







He stops in front of the door and placed his trembling hand on the doorknob.

"Excuse me, sir," suddenly someone said from behind making him turn his face toward that person.

"Sir, you can't go inside," the nurse said as she walked toward him.

"why? My wife, she is ..." he said as pointed toward the room.

"you are?" she asked with a confused face.

"I am her husband." he said while waiting for permission to go inside.

"Sir no one is allowed to meet the patient right now. Her condition is very critical," she informed taking his breath away.

"Wha..a..t happen..ed to her? S..she will be o..okay, right?" he asked but his voice breaks in fear.

"As I said before, she is in critical condition. She got shoot near her left shoulder and lost a lot of blood. As soon as all the paper got completed, she will be transfer to the OT for  operation. Right now we can't say anything just pray for her," saying she entered the same room leaving completely scattered Arjun whose world crumbled in a minute.

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