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"Dont give up Ashika,...not so soon. Dad's life is in danger. Arjun will be broken if something happens to Dad,"

Ashika's snapped open her eyes hearing the voice inside her head before she remove her hand from the wall. She slaps her cheek to keep her eyes open. She take a long shaky breath and stand straight leaning against the wall. Gathering her remaining energy and motivation, she started walking toward the entrance of the venue holding the wall for support as her legs are shaking.

Her eyes move around to found someone to help her in finding her father-in-law. As she take more steps, her eyes fell on the man in a suit with his back facing him.

She made her way toward him and call him softly in her weak voice, "ex...excuse m..ee, sir.."

The man turned around and the confused look on his face change into surprise seeing her again.

He is the same man who bumped into her near the washroom.

Ashika was surprised and relieved seeing him. He seems a nice person to her.

"Sir..r I need you..r hel...p," she said as her voice broke while taking deep breaths.

"Ye...oh shit!! you are bleeding," he got panicked seeing the red liquid flowing from her temple to neck wetting her kurta with her blood.

"I am fine, but please help me," she said ignoring his worried expression. Seeing her eyes turning glossy, he nodded and said softly,
"ok ok, I will help you, just relax okay," he tried to calm her down seeing her restlessness.

"Okay tell me how can help you," Ashika open her mouth to say but cut of in the middle hearing a deep voice.

"Viraj, what are you doing here? we should leave for home..." Ashika's body stiffen as she looks at the person who appears in front of her. She felt her heart thudding in her ear in nervousness.

Yes, there standing her father-in-law, Jaiveer Agnihotri.

"Dad...sorry Sir," Viraj quickly correct himself seeing Jaiveer glaring at him.

Ashika looked at Viraj in shock not believing what she just see and hear.

"Why is he calling him Dad? Arjun doesn't have any brother. Then who is he?" she thought.

She felt Jaiveer's gaze on her. She look at him with lots of emotions in her eyes.
"She need some help, Sir" he informed Jaiveer making him frown in confusion but then his eyes fell on the side of her face which is covered with blood. He walk toward her and standing in front of her, he asked in a soft voice, "Can I see your wound, child?"
She hesitantly nodded her head feeling happy, seeing him concerned for her.

'He didn't remember me,' she thought feeling happy as well as sad.

He slightly turns her face to the right side while checking her wound. She smiles lightly feeling his care and softness for the first time.

Arjun was right when he told her that his father is the most caring and soft person for their family.

But her smile drop immediately as her eyes fell on the person behind the tree with the gun pointing toward Jaiveer.

Her eyes widen in panic and she pushed Jaiveer aside making him bump into Viraj.
"DAD!!" Viraj shouts in surprise as he held him.

"What the hell girl!!" Viraj shout angrily at Ashika but was startled, hearing the gunshot.

And before both the men think anything Ashika fell on her knees holding her chest. Blood drip from her fingers as she clutches her chest.

They run toward her and Viraj quickly held her before she fell on her stomach. Jaiveer immediately press his handkerchief where the gun shots her to control the bleeding.

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