"I'm coming I'm on my way down." I said grabbing my purse and my phone. I kissed Salem on his little row head before I walked out of the house. I walked out onto the sidewalk and Kaiden stood there a smile grew across his face and he reached his hand out for me. I took it carefully and he took a long glance over me. "Truly astounding. I believe on this night the moon stopped to stare at you." He said and I blushed at him. "Why thank you Mr. Hark." I gushed at him. He opened up the car door for me and helped me in and then he went around to the other side and got in the drivers side. 

"How has your day been?" Kaiden asked me not letting silence grow. "It wasn't took bad I'm excited to see where this night goes so far it's been the highlight of my week." I said looking out the window at the rain drops that run down the car window. "I hope it will be. Normally it's hard to get a reservation here I've waiting several weeks for this opening." He said and I looked over at him and I gasped. "No way! There's no way it that fancy is it?" He smirked a try reaction pleased with it. 

"I'm being completely serious Denali I was praying that you would say yes to me earlier." I shook my head ta him amazed. "Well I guess I granted your wish." We pulled up the restaurant and it was nothing less then stunning. It had a large fountain in the driveway in front of the building. Kaiden pulled the car up to the main door and he got out of the car shaking hands with a worker before Kaiden opened up my door and helped me out of the car. Our hands stayed clasped until we got in the building and he let go of my hand and approached the hostess. 

"I have a reservation for Hark." Kaiden stated and she nodded grabbing 2 menus. "Right this way." She said and Kaiden rested his hand on my lower back leading me on. We sat down at a table far from the crowd where it was more quiet. We sat and I began to look over the menu at all luxury food. The waiter came and I didn't pay attention to what Kaiden ordered but when the waiter came back he had a red wine and he poured us both a glass. 

"Are you ready to order." I shook my head no but Kaiden ignored me. "I'll have the filet mignon.... would you like salad or steak?" Kaiden asked me and I'm happy salad was a choice. "Salad please." Kaiden nodded looking at the menu quickly. "She will have a chef salad." Kaiden said handing in his menu and I did the same. I sat back and I sipped on my wine. "So tell me about yourself Denali." Kaiden said and I cocked my head to the side. "I though you had some FBI agents that got all the information about me you needed?" I smarted off Kaiden smirked at me.

"We all know you're a smart ass you don't have to remind me." He said smirking while he sipped his wine as well. I fake gasped at him and I pressed my hand to my heart. "You're the one with all the secrets why don't you inform me." I counter argued and he sighed shaking his head. "Ask away then." He said setting his glass down and crossing his arms over his chest. "Do you have any siblings?" I questioned and he nodded. "I have a sister but she lives out in Miami she's a model out there." He answered and I raised my eyebrow at him. 

"What about your parents?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "They live here in Seattle my father is a lawyer and my mother is over a non profit organization for children with cancer." He continued. "Wow that is amazing. How did you mother get into that kind of work?" I asked him. "My mom is one of those people with a heart of gold. She used to go into hospitals and audit the patient files and update the systems but she kept seeing all these needy children. She landed herself in a children's hospital and she couldn't bare the few weeks she was there auditing to see so many families struggle to afford the treatment for children. Then she had me and my sister and she was taken away from all of that. But the memories of her time spent there still stuck with her so she decided to do something about it. She's been helping fund families and children with cancer for years now. She's been able to support over 2,000 families with financial assistance for treatments for their children.."

I shook my head amazed at how successful his family is over all. No wonder he has become so successful. "What about your parents?" Kaiden questioned turning the conversation over to me. "Well both of my parents are in insurance of all forms. It has been enough to just get them by and live comfortably." I said feeling a little put down at the comparison of our up bringing. "That's very important I'm sure they have been able to help a lot more people that you'd think." Kaiden assured picking up on my feelings. I nodded once at him.

"Do you have any siblings?" Kaiden asked and I nodded. "I have a brother but once he move out to California he didn't care to ever talk to us again. He's just living in his own world I guess." I shrugged. "Well  you don't need him anyways you've become very successful without him that's for sure." He said and I nodded agreeing with him. "Well what do you like to do outside of work other then drunk with your friends?" Kaiden asked with a smirked on his face. I shook my head at him feeling his foot touch mine under the table. "I read a lot and workout. My cat keeps me busy." I scoffed at myself.

"You're cat?" Kaiden asked curious. "Yeah my fur baby keeps me company." Kaiden scrunched up his nose at the statement. "I don't like cats I've always been more of a dog person." I rolled my eyes. "Do you ever wish to have kids?" I blurted out the questioned before thinking of it's depth. He stared at his wine glass for a moment. "All the time... It has been a dream of my for many years." He said vaguely. "Well you were married did you guys never thinking about having children?" I asked and he looked up at me meeting my gaze. "How do you know about that?" He asked sternly. 

"I - uh -  You're security guard mentioned it when I came to the penthouse several weeks ago. He said that your wife went back to France or something?" I said relaying the information that was shared with me. "I'll have a word with him because that's non of your business." His voice was low and rough I have stricken a sensitive subject but I knew I wanted answers more then to keep myself polite. "Is that room at the end of your hall her room?" I asked him and his eyes went wide at me. "Denali-" He was about to raise his voice but the waiter came with our food. 

We ate in quiet and I blushed knowing I was out of place. Maybe they got a divorce or something of the sorts. Maybe that's what he was dealing with last week. I though too myself letting the scenarios in my head run wild out of curiosity. "Can you just follow the rules for once?" He mumbled under his breath his eyes refusing to meet mine. "What rules?" I asked him because this was the first time I was hearing of the sorts. "Don't ask about my wife and don't ask about that room. That's all you need to know. If I see fit to share anything else with you I will but until then do not ask me about it." He grumped at me.

"Forgive me can we turn the night around?" I asked and he nodded slowly at me. We continued to eat in silence until we both were done. Kaiden paid the check and then we made out way out to the sidewalk. Kaiden talked to the valet to get the car back within our possession. "Would you like to come back to my place and have a drink?" Kaiden asked me and I nodded noting the time was only 8:45pm. "I would love to." The valet pulled the car in front of us and Kaiden opened the door for me letting me in. 

The entire drive was silent and we got into the apartment building the security guard smiled at us from his desk. "Mr. Hark welcome back."the guard said and Kaiden approached him. "I need your bosses phone number now." Kaiden demanded the man. The guard looked at him a little fearful as to why but he still handed Kaiden a card with the information. "Keep my name out of your gossip. You are to not share my personal information with anyone." Kaiden hissed before walking to the elevator. 

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